get_text_tei {rdracor}R Documentation

Retrieve a text for a play in 'TEI'


get_text_tei() requests a text for a play in 'TEI' format, given play and corpus names. 'TEI' is an XML vocabulary, which makes it easy to extract structural information (Fischer et al. 2019).


get_text_tei(play = NULL, corpus = NULL, ...)



Character, name of a play (you can find all play names in "playName" column within an object returned by get_dracor). Character vector (longer than 1) is not supported.


Character, name of the corpus (you can find all corpus names in name column within an object returned by get_dracor_meta).


Additional arguments passed to dracor_api.


TEI data parsed by xml2::read_xml().


Fischer F, Börner I, Göbel M, Hechtl A, Kittel C, Milling C, Trilcke P (2019). “Programmable corpora: Introducing DraCor, an infrastructure for the research on European drama.” In Digital Humanities 2019: "Complexities" (DH2019). doi:10.5281/zenodo.4284002.

See Also

get_text_df get_text_chr_spoken tei_to_df


get_text_tei(play = "lessing-emilia-galotti", corpus = "ger")
# If you want a text in TEI without parsing by xml2::read_xml():
get_text_tei(play = "lessing-emilia-galotti", corpus = "ger", parse = FALSE)

[Package rdracor version 1.0.3 Index]