dhs_geometry {rdhs}R Documentation

API request of DHS Geometry


API request of DHS Geometry


  countryIds = NULL,
  surveyIds = NULL,
  surveyYear = NULL,
  surveyYearStart = NULL,
  surveyYearEnd = NULL,
  surveyType = NULL,
  f = NULL,
  returnFields = NULL,
  perPage = NULL,
  page = NULL,
  client = NULL,
  force = FALSE,
  all_results = TRUE



Specify a comma separated list of country ids to filter by. For a list of countries use dhs_countries(returnFields=c("CountryName","DHS_CountryCode"))


Specify a comma separated list of survey ids to filter by. For a list of surveys use dhs_surveys(returnFields=c("SurveyId","SurveyYearLabel", "SurveyType","CountryName"))


Specify a comma separated list of survey years to filter by.


Specify a range of Survey Years to filter Geometry on. surveyYearStart is an inclusive value. Can be used alone or in conjunction with surveyYearEnd.


Specify a range of Survey Years to filter Geometry on. surveyYearEnd is an inclusive value. Can be used alone or in conjunction with surveyYearStart.


Specify a survey type to filter by.


You can specify the format of the data returned from the query as HTML, JSON, PJSON, geoJSON, JSONP, XML or CSV. The default data format is JSON.


Specify a list of attributes to be returned.


Specify the number of results to be returned per page. By default the API will return 100 results.


Allows specifying a page number to obtain for the API request. By default the API will return page 1.


If the API request should be cached, then provide a client object created by client_dhs


Should we force fetching the API results, and ignore any cached results we have. Default = FALSE


Boolean for if all results should be returned. If FALSE then the specified page only will be returned. Default = TRUE.


Returns a data.table of 7 (or less if returnFields is provided) geometry with their corresponding details. A detailed description of all the attributes returned is provided at https://api.dhsprogram.com/rest/dhs/geometry/fields


## Not run: 
# The geometry API endpoint returns the spatial geometry for countries, and
# can then be used to recreate the spatial polygon for a given country. For
# example to return the coordinates for the Senegal 2010 DHS survey:

dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyIds="SN2010DHS")

# At the moment there is no function to convert the coordinates returned by
# the API but this will be in the next version of rdhs. For those interested
# look at the geojson vignette for an alternative way to produce plots.

# A complete list of examples for how each argument to the geometry
# API endpoint can be provided is given below, which is a
# copy of each of the examples listed in the API at:

# https://api.dhsprogram.com/#/api-geometry.cfm

dat <- dhs_geometry(countryIds="EG",all_results=FALSE)
dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyIds="SN2010DHS",all_results=FALSE)
dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyYear="2010",all_results=FALSE)
dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyYearStart="2006",all_results=FALSE)
dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyYearStart="1991", surveyYearEnd="2006",
dat <- dhs_geometry(surveyType="DHS",all_results=FALSE)
dat <- dhs_geometry(f="geojson",all_results=FALSE)

## End(Not run)

[Package rdhs version 0.8.1 Index]