dfp_getDeliveryForecastByIds {rdfp}R Documentation



Gets the delivery forecast for a list of existing LineItem objects in a single delivery simulation. A delivery forecast reports the number of units that will be delivered to each line item given the line item goals and contentions from other line items. Gets the delivery forecast for a list of existing LineItem objects in a single delivery simulation. A delivery forecast reports the number of units that will be delivered to each line item given the line item goals and contentions from other line items. @param lineItemIds the IDs of line items to be forecasted for delivery @param forecastOptions options controlling the forecast Gets the delivery forecast for a list of existing LineItem objects in a single delivery simulation. A delivery forecast reports the number of units that will be delivered to each line item given the line item goals and contentions from other line items. @param lineItemIds the IDs of line items to be forecasted for delivery @param forecastOptions options controlling the forecast


dfp_getDeliveryForecastByIds(request_data, as_df = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE)



a list or data.frame of data elements to be formatted for a SOAP request (XML format, but passed as character string)


a boolean indicating whether to attempt to parse the result into a data.frame


a boolean indicating whether to print the service URL and POSTed XML


a data.frame or list containing all the elements of a getDeliveryForecastByIdsResponse

See Also

Google Documentation for getDeliveryForecastByIds


## Not run: 
filter <- "WHERE Status='DELIVERING' LIMIT 1"
one_li <- dfp_getLineItemsByStatement(list(filterStatement=list(query=filter)))[[1]]

# not specifying forecastOptions brings up NotNullError.ARG2_NULL, so send, but keep null
request_data <- list(lineItemIds=one_li$id,
result <- dfp_getDeliveryForecastByIds(request_data)

## End(Not run)

[Package rdfp version 0.1.4 Index]