cr_journals {rcrossref}R Documentation

Search CrossRef journals


Search CrossRef journals


  issn = NULL,
  query = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  limit = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  sort = NULL,
  order = NULL,
  facet = FALSE,
  works = FALSE,
  cursor = NULL,
  cursor_max = 5000,
  .progress = "none",
  flq = NULL,
  select = NULL,

  issn = NULL,
  query = NULL,
  filter = NULL,
  offset = NULL,
  limit = NULL,
  sample = NULL,
  sort = NULL,
  order = NULL,
  facet = FALSE,
  works = FALSE,
  cursor = NULL,
  cursor_max = 5000,
  .progress = "none",
  parse = FALSE,
  flq = NULL,
  select = NULL,



(character) One or more ISSN's. Format: XXXX-XXXX.


Query terms


Filter options. See examples for usage examples and filters for what filters are available. filter is available for use with cr_works and other crossref family functions with works=TRUE


Number of record to start at. Minimum: 1. For cr_works, and any function setting works = TRUE, the maximum offset value is 10000. For larger requests use cursor.


Number of results to return in the query. Not relavant when searching with specific dois. Default: 20. Max: 1000


(integer) Number of random results to return. when you use the sample parameter, the rows and offset parameters are ignored. Ignored unless works=TRUE. Max: 100


Field to sort on. Acceptable set of fields to sort on:

  • score OR relevance - Sort by relevance score

  • updated - Sort by date of most recent change to metadata. Currently the same as deposited.

  • deposited - Sort by time of most recent deposit

  • indexed - Sort by time of most recent index

  • published - Sort by publication date

  • published-print - Sort by print publication date

  • published-online - Sort by online publication date

  • issued - Sort by issued date (earliest known publication date)

  • is-referenced-by-count - Sort by number of times this DOI is referenced by other Crossref DOIs

  • references-count - Sort by number of references included in the references section of the document identified by this DOI


(character) Sort order, one of 'asc' or 'desc'


(logical) Include facet results. Boolean or string with field to facet on. Valid fields are *, affiliation, funder-name, funder-doi, orcid, container-title, assertion, archive, update-type, issn, published, source, type-name, publisher-name, license, category-name, assertion-group. Default: FALSE


(logical) If TRUE, works returned as well, if not then not.


(character) Cursor character string to do deep paging. Default is None. Pass in '*' to start deep paging. Any combination of query, filters and facets may be used with deep paging cursors. While the limit parameter may be specified along with cursor, offset and sample cannot be used with the cursor. See


(integer) Max records to retrieve. Only used when cursor param used. Because deep paging can result in continuous requests until all are retrieved, use this parameter to set a maximum number of records. Of course, if there are less records found than this value, you will get only those found. When cursor pagination is being used the limit parameter sets the chunk size per request.


Show a plyr-style progress bar? Options are "none", "text", "tk", "win", and "time". See create_progress_bar for details of each. Only used when passing in multiple ids (e.g., multiple DOIs, DOI prefixes, etc.), or when using the cursor param. When using the cursor param, this argument only accept a boolean, either TRUE or FALSE; any non-boolean is coerced to FALSE.


field queries. One or more field queries. Acceptable set of field query parameters are:

  • query.container-title - Query container-title aka. publication name

  • - Query author first and given names

  • query.editor - Query editor first and given names

  • query.chair - Query chair first and given names

  • query.translator - Query translator first and given names

  • query.contributor - Query author, editor, chair and translator first and given names

  • query.bibliographic - Query bibliographic information, useful for citation lookup. Includes titles, authors, ISSNs and publication years

  • query.affiliation - Query contributor affiliations

Note: query.title has been removed - use query.bibliographic as a replacement


(character) One or more field to return (only those fields are returned)


Named parameters passed on to verb-GET


(logical) Whether to output json FALSE or parse to list TRUE. Default: FALSE


BEWARE: The API will only work for CrossRef DOIs.

Note that some parameters are ignored unless works=TRUE: sample, sort, order, filter

Deep paging (using the cursor)

When using the cursor, a character string called next-cursor is returned from Crossref that we use to do the next request, and so on. We use a while loop to get number of results up to the value of cursor_max. Since we are doing each request for you, you may not need the next-cursor string, but if you do want it, you can get to it by indexing into the result like x$meta$next_cursor

Note that you can pass in curl options when using cursor, via "..."

Explanation of some data fields


See the "Rate limiting" seciton in rcrossref to get into the "fast lane"


See Also

Other crossref: cr_funders(), cr_licenses(), cr_members(), cr_prefixes(), cr_types(), cr_works()


## Not run: 
cr_journals(issn="2167-8359", works=TRUE)
cr_journals(issn="2167-8359", query='ecology', works=TRUE,
   sort='score', order="asc")
cr_journals(issn="2167-8359", query='ecology', works=TRUE, sort='score',
cr_journals(issn="2167-8359", works=TRUE,
cr_journals(issn='1803-2427', works=TRUE)
cr_journals(issn='1803-2427', works=TRUE, sample=1)

## get facets back
cr_journals('1803-2427', works=TRUE, facet=TRUE)
cr_journals('1803-2427', works=TRUE, facet="published:*", limit = 0)
cr_journals(issn=c('1803-2427','2326-4225'), works=TRUE,
  facet="published:*", limit = 10)

# Use the cursor for deep paging
cr_journals(issn='1932-6203', works = TRUE, cursor = "*", cursor_max = 500,
   limit = 100)
cr_journals(c('1932-6203', '0028-0836'), works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
   cursor_max = 300, limit = 100)
## with optional progress bar
cr_journals(issn='1932-6203', works = TRUE, cursor = "*", cursor_max = 90,
   limit = 30, .progress = TRUE)

# fails, if you want works, you must give an ISSN
# cr_journals(query = "ecology", filter=c(has_full_text = TRUE),
#    works = TRUE)

# Low level function - does no parsing to data.frame, get json or a list
cr_journals_(query = 'ecology')
cr_journals_(query = 'ecology', parse=TRUE)
cr_journals_("2167-8359", works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
   cursor_max = 300, limit = 100)
cr_journals_("2167-8359", works = TRUE, cursor = "*",
   cursor_max = 300, limit = 100, parse = TRUE)

# field queries
cr_journals("2167-8359", works = TRUE, flq = c(`` = 'Jane'))

# select only certain fields to return
res <- cr_journals('2167-8359', works = TRUE, 
  select = c('DOI', 'title'))

## End(Not run)

[Package rcrossref version 1.2.0 Index]