cr_cn {rcrossref}R Documentation

Get citations in various formats from CrossRef.


Get citations in various formats from CrossRef.


  format = "bibtex",
  style = "apa",
  locale = "en-US",
  raw = FALSE,
  .progress = "none",
  url = NULL,



Search by a single DOI or many DOIs.


Name of the format. One of "rdf-xml", "turtle", "citeproc-json", "citeproc-json-ish", "text", "ris", "bibtex" (default), "crossref-xml", "datacite-xml","bibentry", or "crossref-tdm". The format "citeproc-json-ish" is a format that is not quite proper citeproc-json. Note that the package bibtex is required when format="bibtex"; the package is in Suggests so is not required when installing rcrossref


a CSL style (for text format only). See get_styles() for options. Default: 'apa'. If there's a style that CrossRef doesn't support you'll get a ⁠(500) Internal Server Error⁠


Language locale. See ?Sys.getlocale


(logical) Return raw text in the format given by format parameter. Default: FALSE


Show a plyr-style progress bar? Options are "none", "text", "tk", "win", and "time". See create_progress_bar for details of each. Only used when passing in multiple ids (e.g., multiple DOIs, DOI prefixes, etc.), or when using the cursor param. When using the cursor param, this argument only accept a boolean, either TRUE or FALSE; any non-boolean is coerced to FALSE.


(character) Base URL for the content negotiation request. Default: ""


Named parameters passed on to verb-GET


See for more info on the Crossref Content Negotiation API service.

DataCite DOIs: Some values of the format parameter won't work with DataCite DOIs, i.e. "citeproc-json", "crossref-xml", "crossref-tdm", "onix-xml".

MEDRA DOIs only work with "rdf-xml", "turtle", "citeproc-json-ish", "ris", "bibtex", "bibentry", "onix-xml".

See examples below.

See cr_agency()

Note that the format type citeproc-json uses the CrossRef API at, while all others are content negotiated via ⁠⁠, ⁠⁠ or ⁠⁠. DOI agency is checked first (see cr_agency()).


## Not run: 
cr_cn(dois="10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "citeproc-json")
cr_cn(dois="10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "citeproc-json-ish")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "rdf-xml")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "crossref-xml")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text")

# return an R bibentry type
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "bibentry")
cr_cn("10.6084/m9.figshare.97218", "bibentry")

# return an apa style citation
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "apa")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "harvard3")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "elsevier-harvard")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "ecoscience")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "heredity")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "oikos")

# example with many DOIs
dois <- cr_r(2)
cr_cn(dois, "text", "apa")

# Cycle through random styles - print style on each try
stys <- get_styles()
foo <- function(x){
 cat(sprintf("<Style>:%s\n", x), sep = "\n\n")
 cat(cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", style=x))
foo(sample(stys, 1))

# Using DataCite DOIs
## some formats don't work
# cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "crossref-xml")
# cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "crossref-tdm")
## But most do work
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "text")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "datacite-xml")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "rdf-xml")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "turtle")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "citeproc-json-ish")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "ris")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "bibtex")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", "bibentry")

# Using Medra DOIs
cr_cn("10.1430/8105", "onix-xml")

# Get raw output
cr_cn(dois = "10.1002/app.27716", format = "citeproc-json", raw = TRUE)

# sometimes messy DOIs even work
## in this case, a DOI minting agency can't be found
## but we proceed anyway, just assuming it's "crossref"

# Use a different base url
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", url = "")
cr_cn("10.1126/science.169.3946.635", "text", "heredity", url = "")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", url = "", 
   style = "oikos")
cr_cn("10.5284/1011335", url = "", 
   style = "plant-cell-and-environment")

## End(Not run)

[Package rcrossref version 1.2.0 Index]