add_citation | Create a CITATION file |
add_codecov_badge | Add a Codecov badge |
add_code_of_conduct | Add code of conduct |
add_compendium | Create additional folders |
add_contributing | Add contribution guidelines |
add_cran_badge | Add a CRAN Status badge |
add_dependencies | Add dependencies in DESCRIPTION |
add_dependencies_badge | Add a Dependencies badge |
add_description | Create a DESCRIPTION file |
add_dockerfile | Create a Dockerfile |
add_github_actions_check | Setup GitHub Actions to check package |
add_github_actions_check_badge | Add a R CMD Check badge |
add_github_actions_citation | Setup GitHub Actions to update CITATION.cff |
add_github_actions_codecov | Setup GitHub Actions to report code coverage |
add_github_actions_codecov_badge | Add a Test coverage badge |
add_github_actions_document | Setup GitHub Actions to document package |
add_github_actions_pkgdown | Setup GitHub Actions to build and deploy package website |
add_github_actions_pkgdown_badge | Add a Website badge |
add_github_actions_render | Setup GitHub Actions to render README |
add_license | Add a LICENSE |
add_license_badge | Add a License badge |
add_lifecycle_badge | Add a Life Cycle badge |
add_makefile | Create a Make-like R file |
add_package_doc | Create a package-level documentation file |
add_readme_rmd | Create a README file |
add_renv | Initialize renv |
add_repostatus_badge | Add a Repository Status badge |
add_r_depend | Add minimal R version to DESCRIPTION |
add_testthat | Initialize units tests |
add_to_buildignore | Add to the .Rbuildignore file |
add_to_gitignore | Add to the .gitignore file |
add_vignette | Create a vignette document |
get_all_dependencies | Get all external dependencies |
get_all_functions | List all functions in the package |
get_licenses | List all available licenses |
get_minimal_r_version | Get required minimal R version |
new_compendium | Create an R compendium structure |
new_package | Create an R package structure |
refresh | Refresh a package/research compendium |
set_credentials | Store credentials to the .Rprofile |