Calibration and Analysis of Radiocarbon Dates

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Documentation for package ‘rcarbon’ version 1.5.1

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rcarbon-package rcarbon:Calibration and analysis of radiocarbon dates
as.CalDates Convert to a CalDates object
as.CalGrid Convert data to class CalGrid.
as.UncalGrid Convert data to class UncalGrid.
barCodes Plot the median values of calibrated radiocarbon dates or bins
BCADtoBP Convert BC/AD dates to BP format
binMed Computes the median date of each bin
binPrep Binning function of radiocarbon dates.
binsense Bin sensitivity Plot
BPtoBCAD Convert BP dates to BC/AD format
calibrate Calibrate radiocarbon dates
calibrate.default Calibrate radiocarbon dates
calibrate.UncalGrid Calibrate radiocarbon dates
ckde Composite Kernel Density Estimates of Radiocarbon Dates
combine Combine multiple CalDates Class Objects into one.
emedyd Radiocarbon dates for the Eastern Mediterranean around the Younger Dryas
euroevol Radiocarbon dates from the EUROEVOL database
ewdates Subset of EUROEVOL radiocarbon dates from Great Britain
ewowin Polygonal window of England and Wales
gaussW Gaussian weighting of dates relative to
hpdi Computes the highest posterior density interval (HPDI) for calibrated dates
medCal Computes the median date of calibrated dates
mixCurves Creates mixed calibration curves.
modelTest Monte-Carlo simulation test for SPDs
multiplot Plot multiple dates
p2pTest Point to point test of SPD
permTest Random mark permutation test for SPDs
plot.CalDates Plot calibrated dates
plot.CalGrid Plot a summed probability distribution (from a CalGrid object)
plot.CalSPD Plot a summed probability distribution
plot.compositeKDE Plots a Composite Kernel Density Estimate of sampled radiocarbon dates.
plot.spatialTest Plot results of the local spatial permutation test of summed probability distributions.
plot.SpdModelTest Plot result of Monte-Carlo simulation of observed versus modelled SPDs
plot.SpdPermTest Plot result of mark permutation test of SPDs
plot.spdRC Plot 'spdRC' class objects
plot.stackCalSPD Plot a stack of SPDs
plot.stKde Plot map(s) of the spatio-temporal intensity of radiocarbon dates.
poolDates Combine radiocarbon ages from the same event.
qCal Computes the quantile date of calibrated dates
rcarbon rcarbon:Calibration and analysis of radiocarbon dates
reScale Rescale a numeric vector to a specified minimum and maximum
runMean Calculate a running mean from a numeric vector.
sampleDates Sample random calendar dates
smoothGauss Smooth a numeric vector using a Gaussian window
spd Summed probability distributions (SPD) of radiocarbon dates.
spd2rc Computes rates of change from SPDs
spkde Map the spatial intensity of a set of radiocarbon dates for a given focal year.
sptest Spatial Permutation Test of summed probability distributions.
stackspd Stacked Summed Probability Distribution
stkde Map the spatio-temporal intensity of a set of radiocarbon dates
subset.CalDates Subsetting calibrated dates
summary.CalDates Summarise a 'CalDates' class object
summary.SpdModelTest Summarise a 'SpdModelTest' class object
summary.SpdPermTest Summarise a 'SpdPermTest' class object
thinDates Sampling function to select a maximum number of dates per site, bin or phase.
transformSPD Apply taphonomic corrections or other transformations to an SPD.
uncalibrate Uncalibrate (back-calibrate) a calibrated radiocarbon date (or summed probability distribution).
uncalibrate.CalGrid Uncalibrate (back-calibrate) a calibrated radiocarbon date (or summed probability distribution).
uncalibrate.default Uncalibrate (back-calibrate) a calibrated radiocarbon date (or summed probability distribution).
which.CalDates Which indices for calibrated dates