Bitcoin API

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Documentation for package ‘rbtc’ version 0.1-6

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*-method Elliptic curve operators
+-method Elliptic curve operators
addnode RPC-JSON API: addnode
AND Elliptic curve operators
AND-method Elliptic curve operators
ANSRPC-class The ANSRPC class
base58CheckDecode Base 58 binary-to-text-decoding
base58CheckEncode Base 58 binary-to-text-encoding
bkfee Compute fee in a block
blockattime Block height at time
blockstats Obtaining statistics of a block
BTCADR-class S4 class BTCADR
clearbanned RPC-JSON API: clearbanned
concatHex Concatenate two hex strings
conrpc Extracting Configuration Settings
CONRPC-class The CONRPC class
containsPoint containsPoint-methods
containsPoint-method containsPoint-methods
createBtcAdr Create BTC addresses
createPrivateKey Creation of a private key
date2int Convert date/time to integer
decodeHex Decoding of a hex string
decoderawtransaction RPC-JSON API: decoderawtransaction
decodescript RPC-JSON API: decodescript
disconnectnode RPC-JSON API: disconnectnode
doubleUp Elliptic curve operators
doubleUp-method Elliptic curve operators
ecoperators Elliptic curve operators
ecparam Creating objects of class ECPARAM
ECPARAM-class The ECPARAM class
EcparamOrNull-class S4 Class Union ECPARAM or NULL
ecpoint Creating objects of class ECPOINT
getaddednodeinfo RPC-JSON API: getaddednodeinfo
getbestblockhash RPC-JSON API: getbestblockhash
getblock RPC-JSON API: getblock
getblockchaininfo RPC-JSON API: getblockchaininfo
getblockcount RPC-JSON API: getblockcount
getblockhash RPC-JSON API: getblockhash
getblockheader RPC-JSON API: getblockheader
getchaintips RPC-JSON API: getchaintips
getchaintxstats RPC-JSON API: getchaintxstats
getconnectioncount RPC-JSON API: getconnectioncount
getdifficulty RPC-JSON API: getdifficulty
gethelp RPC-JSON API: Help
getinfo RPC-JSON API: getinfo
getmempoolancestors RPC-JSON API: getmempoolancestors
getmempooldescendants RPC-JSON API: getmempooldescendants
getmempoolentry RPC-JSON API: getmempoolentry
getmempoolinfo RPC-JSON API: getmempoolinfo
getnettotals RPC-JSON API: getnettotals
getnetworkinfo RPC-JSON API: getnetworkinfo
getpeerinfo RPC-JSON API: getpeerinfo
getrawmempool RPC-JSON API: getrawmempool
getrawtransaction RPC-JSON API: getrawtransaction
gettxout RPC-JSON API: gettxout
gettxoutproof RPC-JSON API: gettxoutproof
gettxoutsetinfo RPC-JSON API: gettxoutsetinfo
getwalletinfo RPC-JSON API: getwalletinfo
hash160 BTC hash160
hash256 BTC hash256
int2date Convert time stamp to POSIX
intMaxDay Integer representation of a day-end
intMinDay Integer representation of a day-begin
intRangeDay Integer range within a day
intRangePeriod Integer range between two dates
isNull Test for empty EC point
isNull-method Test for empty EC point
leftmostBit Elliptic curve operators
leftmostBit-method Elliptic curve operators
listbanned RPC-JSON API: listbanned
NullOrCharacter-class S4 Class Union NULL or character
NullOrInteger-class S4 Class Union NULL or integer
ping RPC-JSON API: ping
preciousblock RPC-JSON API: preciousblock
PrivKey2PubKey Create public key from private key
PrivKey2Wif Create WIF from a private key
pruneblockchain RPC-JSON API: pruneblockchain
PubHash2BtcAdr Create BTC address from public key hash
PubKey2PubHash Create public key hash from 512-bit public key
rpcpost HTTP post of RPC-JSON
setnetworkactive RPC-JSON API: setnetworkactive
show show-methods
show-method show-methods
startbtc Start bitcoind server process
stopbtc Stop bitcoind server process
timeofblock Time of a block
txfee Compute fee of a transaction
txids Retrieve TX Ids in block
txinids Retrieving the input transaction IDs
txstats Statistics of a transaction
utxoage Age of UTXOs
utxotype Retrieving types of UTXOs
utxovalue Retrieving values of UTXOs
validBtcAdr Validate S4-class BTCADR
verifychain RPC-JSON API: verifychain
verifytxoutproof RPC-JSON API: verifytxoutproof
Wif2PrivKey Create private key from WIF