iv_sens {rbounds}R Documentation

Function to calculate Rosenbaum bounds for IV Estimator based on Wilcoxon sign rank test.


iv_sens performs a non-parametric, instrumental variable sensitivity analysis on matched pairs following the logic of the Neyman-Rubin framework for causal inference. The function supports a variable-valued instrument.


iv_sens(Rt, Rc, Dt, Dc, Gamma = 6, GammaInc = 1)


Rt, Rc

Vectors of observed response outcomes for matched treatment and control observations, respectively.

Dt, Dc

Vectors of observed doses for matched observations, respectively. This is level of dose encouraged by the instrument.


Upper-bound on gamma parameter.


To set user specified increments for gamma parameter.


Given matched pairs of observations on an instrument Z, which encourages dose D, this function performs a Rosenbaum's bounds sensitivity analysis. Note that matching is done on levels of the instrument.


Returns an object of class rbounds.


Luke Keele, University of Pennsylvania, luke.keele@gmail.com


Angrist, Joshua D., Imbens, Guido W., and Rubin, Donald B. (1996). "Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables." Journal of the American Statistical Association 91/434, pp. 444–455.

Rosenbaum, Paul R. (1996). "Comment." Journal of the American Statistical Association 91/434, pp. 465–468.

Rosenbaum, Paul R. (2002). Observational Studies. Springer-Verlag.

Rosenbaum, Paul R. (2010). Design of Observational Studies. Springer-Verlag.

See Also

See also binarysens, hlsens, mcontrol



# Example from Ch 5 of Design of Observational Studies
#Extract Matched Outome Data
Rt <- angristlavy$avgmath[angristlavy$z==1]
Rc <- angristlavy$avgmath[angristlavy$z==0]

#Extract Matched Doses
#Doses Encouraged By Instrument - Here Class Size
Dt <- angristlavy$clasz[angristlavy$z==1]
Dc <- angristlavy$clasz[angristlavy$z==0]

#Run Sensitivity Analsyis - Rank Sum Test
iv_sens(Rc, Rt, Dc, Dt, Gamma=1.5, GammaInc=.01)

[Package rbounds version 2.2 Index]