booster {rbooster} | R Documentation |
AdaBoost Framework for Any Classifier
This function allows you to use any classifier to be used in Discrete or Real AdaBoost framework.
classifier = "rpart",
predictor = NULL,
method = "discrete",
x_test = NULL,
y_test = NULL,
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 50,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = FALSE,
bag_frac = 0.5,
p_weak = NULL,
classifier = "rpart",
predictor = NULL,
x_test = NULL,
y_test = NULL,
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 50,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = FALSE,
bag_frac = 0.5,
p_weak = NULL,
classifier = "rpart",
predictor = NULL,
x_test = NULL,
y_test = NULL,
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 50,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = FALSE,
bag_frac = 0.5,
p_weak = NULL,
x_train |
feature matrix. |
y_train |
a factor class variable. Boosting algorithm allows for k >= 2. However, not all classifiers are capable of multiclass classification. |
classifier |
pre-ready or a custom classifier function. Pre-ready classifiers are "rpart", "glm", "gnb", "dnb", "earth". |
predictor |
prediction function for classifier. It's output must be a factor variable with the same levels of y_train |
method |
"discrete" or "real" for Discrete or Real Adaboost. |
x_test |
optional test feature matrix. Can be used instead of predict function. print_detail and print_plot gives information about test. |
y_test |
optional a factor test class variable with the same levels as y_train. Can be used instead of predict function. print_detail and print_plot gives information about test. |
weighted_bootstrap |
If classifier does not support case weights, weighted_bootstrap must be TRUE used for weighting. If classifier supports weights, it must be FALSE. default is FALSE. |
max_iter |
maximum number of iterations. Default to 30. Probably should be higher for classifiers other than decision tree. |
lambda |
a parameter for model weights. Default to 1. Higher values leads to unstable weak classifiers, which is good sometimes. Lower values leads to slower fitting. |
print_detail |
a logical for printing errors for each iteration. Default to TRUE |
print_plot |
a logical for plotting errors. Default to FALSE. |
bag_frac |
a value between 0 and 1. It represents the proportion of
cases to be used in each iteration. Smaller datasets may be better to create
weaker classifiers. 1 means all cases. Default to 0.5. Ignored if
p_weak |
number of variables to use in weak classifiers. It is the
number of columns in |
... |
additional arguments for classifier and predictor functions. weak classifiers. |
can be "discrete" and "real" at the moment and indicates Discrete
AdaBoost and Real AdaBoost. For multiclass classification, "discrete" means SAMME,
"real" means SAMME.R algorithm.
Pre-ready classifiers are "rpart", "glm", "dnb", "gnb", "earth", which means CART, logistic regression, Gaussian naive bayes, discrete naive bayes and MARS classifier respectively.
is valid only if a custom classifier
function is
given. A custom classifier funtion should be as function(x_train, y_train,
weights, ...)
and its output is a model object which can be placed in
. predictor
function is function(model, x_new, type
and its output must be a vector of class predictions. type must be "pred"
or "prob", which gives a vector of classes or a matrix of probabilities, which
each column represents each class. See vignette("booster", package = "booster")
for examples.
is a multiplier of model weights.
is for bootstrap sampling in each step. If the
classifier accepts case weights then it is better to turn it off. If classifier
does not accept case weights, then weighted bootstrap will make it into
weighted classifier using bootstrap. Learning may be slower this way.
helps a classifier to be "weaker" by reducing sample
size. Stronger classifiers may require lower proportions of bag_frac
does the same by reducing numbeer of variables.
a booster object with below components.
n_train |
Number of cases in the input dataset. |
w |
Case weights for the final boost. |
p |
Number of features. |
weighted_bootstrap |
TRUE if weighted bootstrap applied. Otherwise FALSE. |
max_iter |
Maximum number of boosting steps. |
lambda |
The multiplier of model weights. |
predictor |
Function for prediction |
alpha |
Model weights. |
err_train |
A vector of train errors in each step of boosting. |
err_test |
A vector of test errors in each step of boosting. If there are no test data, it returns NULL |
models |
Models obtained in each boosting step |
x_classes |
A list of datasets, which are |
n_classes |
Number of cases for each class in input dataset. |
k_classes |
Number of classes in class variable. |
bag_frac |
Proportion of input dataset used in each boosting step. |
class_names |
Names of classes in class variable. |
Fatih Saglam,
Freund, Y., & Schapire, R. E. (1997). A decision-theoretic generalization of on-line learning and an application to boosting. Journal of computer and system sciences, 55(1), 119-139.
Hastie, T., Rosset, S., Zhu, J., & Zou, H. (2009). Multi-class AdaBoost. Statistics and its Interface, 2(3), 349-360.
See Also
## n number of cases, p number of variables, k number of classes.
cv_sampler <- function(y, train_proportion) {
unlist(lapply(unique(y), function(m) sample(which(y==m), round(sum(y==m))*train_proportion)))
data_simulation <- function(n, p, k, train_proportion){
means <- seq(0, k*2.5, length.out = k)
x <-, lapply(means,
function(m) matrix(data = rnorm(n = round(n/k)*p,
mean = m,
sd = 2),
nrow = round(n/k))))
y <- factor(rep(letters[1:k], each = round(n/k)))
train_i <- cv_sampler(y, train_proportion)
data <- data.frame(x, y = y)
data_train <- data[train_i,]
data_test <- data[-train_i,]
return(list(data = data,
data_train = data_train,
data_test = data_test))
### binary classification
dat <- data_simulation(n = 500, p = 2, k = 2, train_proportion = 0.8)
mm <- booster(x_train = dat$data_train[,1:2],
y_train = dat$data_train[,3],
classifier = "rpart",
method = "discrete",
x_test = dat$data_test[,1:2],
y_test = dat$data_test[,3],
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 100,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = TRUE,
bag_frac = 1,
p_weak = 2)
## test prediction
## or
pp <- predict(object = mm, newdata = dat$data_test[,1:2], type = "pred")
## test error
tail(mm$err_test, 1)
sum(dat$data_test[,3] != pp)/nrow(dat$data_test)
### multiclass classification
dat <- data_simulation(n = 800, p = 5, k = 3, train_proportion = 0.8)
mm <- booster(x_train = dat$data_train[,1:5],
y_train = dat$data_train[,6],
classifier = "rpart",
method = "real",
x_test = dat$data_test[,1:5],
y_test = dat$data_test[,6],
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 100,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = TRUE,
bag_frac = 1,
p_weak = 2)
## test prediction
## or
pp <- predict(object = mm, newdata = dat$data_test[,1:5], type = "pred", print_detail = TRUE)
## test error
tail(mm$err_test, 1)
sum(dat$data_test[,6] != pp)/nrow(dat$data_test)
### binary classification, custom classifier
dat <- data_simulation(n = 500, p = 10, k = 2, train_proportion = 0.8)
x <- dat$data[,1:10]
y <- dat$data[,11]
x_train <- dat$data_train[,1:10]
y_train <- dat$data_train[,11]
x_test <- dat$data_test[,1:10]
y_test <- dat$data_test[,11]
## a custom regression classifier function
classifier_lm <- function(x_train, y_train, weights, ...){
y_train_code <- c(-1,1)
y_train_coded <- sapply(levels(y_train), function(m) y_train_code[(y_train == m) + 1])
y_train_coded <- y_train_coded[,1]
model <- lm.wfit(x = as.matrix(cbind(1,x_train)), y = y_train_coded, w = weights)
return(list(coefficients = model$coefficients,
levels = levels(y_train)))
## predictor function
predictor_lm <- function(model, x_new, type = "pred", ...) {
coef <- model$coefficients
levels <- model$levels
fit <- as.matrix(cbind(1, x_new))%*%coef
probs <- 1/(1 + exp(-fit))
probs <- data.frame(probs, 1 - probs)
colnames(probs) <- levels
if (type == "pred") {
preds <- factor(levels[apply(probs, 1, which.max)], levels = levels, labels = levels)
if (type == "prob") {
## real AdaBoost
mm <- booster(x_train = x_train,
y_train = y_train,
classifier = classifier_lm,
predictor = predictor_lm,
method = "real",
x_test = x_test,
y_test = y_test,
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 50,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = TRUE,
bag_frac = 0.5,
p_weak = 2)
## test prediction
pp <- predict(object = mm, newdata = x_test, type = "pred", print_detail = TRUE)
## test error
tail(mm$err_test, 1)
sum(y_test != pp)/nrow(x_test)
## discrete AdaBoost
mm <- booster(x_train = x_train,
y_train = y_train,
classifier = classifier_lm,
predictor = predictor_lm,
method = "discrete",
x_test = x_test,
y_test = y_test,
weighted_bootstrap = FALSE,
max_iter = 50,
lambda = 1,
print_detail = TRUE,
print_plot = TRUE,
bag_frac = 0.5,
p_weak = 2)
## test prediction
pp <- predict(object = mm, newdata = x_test, type = "pred", print_detail = TRUE)
## test error
tail(mm$err_test, 1)
sum(y_test != pp)/nrow(x_test)
# plot function can be used to plot errors
# more examples are in vignette("booster", package = "rbooster")