rba_reactome_pathways_events {rbioapi}R Documentation

Get Events Contained in an Upstream Events


A Reactome Event could be comprised of other events (meaning, a pathway that include other pathways itself). Use this function to recursively return all the events which reside downstream of your supplied event ID (or an attribute of that events).


rba_reactome_pathways_events(event_id, attribute_name = NULL, ...)



Reactome event's database ID (DbId) or Stable ID (StId).


An attribute of the events to be returned instead of the whole events. see Reactome Data Schema: Event for available options.


rbioapi option(s). See rba_options's arguments manual for more information on available options.


By Reactome's definition, Events are the building blocks of biological processes and could be of two main classes: "Pathway" or "Reaction-like events". The events are organized in a hierarchical structure; and each event could be child or parent to another event; The hierarchy will always begin with a "Top level pathway" event. Also note that a given event could be part of more that one hierarchies.


Data frame where each row is a contained event and columns are event's attributes. If an "attribute_name" argument was supplied, a character vector will be returned.

Corresponding API Resources

"GET https://reactome.org/ContentService/data/pathway/{id}/ containedEvents"
"GET https://reactome.org/ContentService/data/pathway/{id}/ containedEvents/{attributeName}"


See Also

Other "Reactome Content Service - Pathway Related Queries": rba_reactome_pathways_low(), rba_reactome_pathways_top()


rba_reactome_pathways_events(event_id = "R-HSA-5673001")

rba_reactome_pathways_events(event_id = "R-HSA-5673001",
    attribute_name = "displayName")

[Package rbioapi version 0.8.1 Index]