rba_mieaa_cats {rbioapi}R Documentation

Get Supported Enrichment Categories for a Species and miRNA Type


For each Combination of species and miRNA type, Only a pre-defined categories groups are supported. Use this function to retrieve a list of supported categories for a given combination of Species and miRNA type.


rba_mieaa_cats(mirna_type, species, ...)



Type of your miRNA accession. either "mature" or "precursor".


Fully or partially matching Scientific name, abbreviation or NCBI taxon ID of one of the following species:

  1. "Homo sapiens", "hsa" or 9606

  2. "Mus musculus", "mmu" or 10090

  3. "Rattus norvegicus", "rno" or 10116

  4. "Arabidopsis thaliana", "ath" or 3702

  5. "Bos taurus", "bta" or 9913

  6. "Caenorhabditis elegans", "cel" or 6239

  7. "Drosophila melanogaster", "dme" or 7227

  8. "Danio rerio", "dre" or 7955

  9. "Gallus gallus", "gga" or 9031

  10. "Sus scrofa", "ssc" or 9823


rbioapi option(s). See rba_options's arguments manual for more information on available options.


a named character vector with the supported categories for your supplied input combination.

Corresponding API Resources

"GET https://ccb-compute2.cs.uni-saarland.de/mieaa2/api/v1/enrichment_categories/{species}/{mirna_type}/"


See Also

Other "miEAA": rba_mieaa_convert_type(), rba_mieaa_convert_version(), rba_mieaa_enrich(), rba_mieaa_enrich_results(), rba_mieaa_enrich_status(), rba_mieaa_enrich_submit()


rba_mieaa_cats("mature", "Homo sapiens")

[Package rbioapi version 0.8.1 Index]