rbibutils-package {rbibutils}R Documentation

Read 'Bibtex' Files and Convert Between Bibliography Formats


Read and write 'Bibtex' files. Convert between bibliography formats, including 'Bibtex', 'Biblatex', 'PubMed', 'Endnote', and 'Bibentry'. Includes a port of the 'bibutils' utilities by Chris Putnam <https://sourceforge.net/projects/bibutils/>. Supports all bibliography formats and character encodings implemented in 'bibutils'.


Package rbibutils provides an R port of the bibutils programs plus additional facilities. The main function, bibConvert, offers all conversions between bibliography formats supported by library bibutils. In addition, package rbibutils converts to and from R's bibentry Bibtex-based bibliography format.

The core functionality is provided by the bibutils programs which convert between various bibliography formats using a common MODS XML intermediate format, see the source cited below.

Currently we provide the function bibConvert for conversion between supported bibliography formats. For complete list of formats supported by the package, see the documentation of the original bibutils library.

readBib and writeBib import/export BiBTeX files. readBibentry and writeBibentry import/export R source files in which the references are represented by bibentry() calls. These functions were originally just wrappers around bibConvert. readBib has acquired additional features, including a direct import (without going through bibConvert) from BiBTeX files.

All encodings supported by the bibutils library are available for bibConvert.

Further functionality may be provided in future releases, in particular, the underlying C functions could be exposed to package authors. Further R wrappers may be added, as well. However, the scope of the package will remain conversion between formats based on ⁠bibutils⁠ and manipulation of the MODS XML intermediate format. rbibutils can be used also as an alternative to package bibtex (Francois 2020). For bibliography management see package RefManager (McLean 2017). For citations in R documentation (Rd or roxygen2) see package Rdpack (Boshnakov 2020).

Supported input and output formats

Most formats are supported for both input and output, see the listings below. A format supported for input can be converted to any of the output formats.

The input is first converted to MODS XML intermediate, the latter is then converted to the requested output format. In rbibutils there are currently two exceptions to this rule. First, the conversion from bibtex to bibentry offers the option to bypass the conversion to MODS XML intermediate and parse directly the bibtex file, see readBib for details. Second, the conversion from ⁠bibentry⁠ to ⁠BibTeX⁠ just uses a ⁠print⁠ method provided by R.

In the table below column Abbreviation shows the abbreviation for arguments informat and outformat, column FileExt gives the default file extension for that format, column Input (Output) contains TRUE if the format is supported for input (output) and FALSE otherwise. Column Description gives basic description of the format.

Abbreviation FileExt Input Output Description
ads ads FALSE TRUE ADS reference format
bib bib TRUE TRUE BibTeX
bibtex bibtex TRUE TRUE BibTeX
biblatex biblatex TRUE TRUE BibLaTeX
copac copac TRUE FALSE COPAC format references
end end TRUE TRUE EndNote (Refer format)
endx endx TRUE FALSE EndNote XML
isi isi TRUE TRUE ISI web of science
med med TRUE FALSE Pubmed XML references
nbib nbib TRUE TRUE Pubmed/National Library of Medicine nbib format
ris ris TRUE TRUE RIS format
R, r, Rstyle R TRUE TRUE R source file containing bibentry commands
rds rds TRUE TRUE bibentry object in a binary file created by saveRDS()
xml xml TRUE TRUE MODS XML intermediate
wordbib wordbib TRUE TRUE Word 2007 bibliography format

⁠bibentry⁠ is the native R variant of BibTeX. It can be input directly from an R source file or from a binary ⁠rds⁠ file. The ⁠"rds"⁠ format is a compressed binary format. The ⁠rds⁠ file should contain a ⁠bibentry⁠ R object, saved from R with saveRDS. An R source file should contain one or more bibentry instructions, see readBibentry for details of the contents.

A ⁠bibentry⁠ object can be written to a file as a binary (⁠"rds"⁠) object or as an R source file, see bibConvert and writeBib for details.

ADS is the reference format of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Astrophyics Data System.

For COPAC, see ⁠https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copac⁠.


The bibutils library is included in a number of software packages. These include include pandoc and a library for Haskell. Executable programs for conversion are available for Linux distributions but seem not easily available for Windows. Executable and libraries can also be generated out-of-the-box from the bibutils disribution (on Windows under MSYS).

rbibutils adds conversions to/from R's bibentry format and direct conversion from bibtex, which preserves non-standard fields from the bibtex source. There is also improved support for mathematical expressions in bibtex files.


Georgi N. Boshnakov (R code and R port of bibutils), Chris Putnam (author of bibutils library)


Georgi N Boshnakov (2020). “Rdpack: Update and Manipulate Rd Documentation Objects.” doi:10.5281/zenodo.3925612, R package version 2.0.0.

Damiano Fantini (2019). “easyPubMed: Search and Retrieve Scientific Publication Records from PubMed.” R package version 2.13, https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=easyPubMed.

Romain Francois (2014). bibtex: bibtex parser. R package version 0.4.0.

Mathew William McLean (2017). “RefManageR: Import and Manage BibTeX and BibLaTeX References in R.” The Journal of Open Source Software. doi:10.21105/joss.00338.

Chris Putnam (2020). “Library bibutils, version 6.10.” https://sourceforge.net/projects/bibutils/.

See Also

bibConvert for further details and examples

[Package rbibutils version 2.2.16 Index]