rbmcc {rbcc}R Documentation

Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


Calculate Risk-based Multivariate Control Chart


rbmcc(X, UC, C, n=1 , confidence_level=0.99, K=0)



matrix of variables (numeric matrix). Either can be simulated using data_gen or defined by using available data set.


matrix of measuerement error (numeric matrix).


vector of decision costs (default value is vector of 1).


The sample size for grouping. For individual obervations use n=1).


The (1-alpha)percent confidence level (default value is 0.99)


Set correction component to 0 by default (default value is 0)



Total cost of a monitoirng process


Total cost of correct acceptance related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 1 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of decision error type 2 related to a process monitoring


Total cost of correct reject related to a process monitoring


UCL of T^2 chart for a given data


UCL of optimized risk based multivariate control chart for a given data


Real values of T2 statistic for a given data


Observed T2 with measurement errors for a given data


Aamir Saghir, Attila I. Katona, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: kzst@gtk.uni-pannon.hu


KosztyƔn, Z. T., and Katona, A. I. (2016). Risk-based multivariate control chart. Expert Systems with Applications, 62, 250-262.

See Also

data_gen, rbcc, rbcc_opt, rbewmacc, rbewmacc_opt, rbmacc, rbmacc_opt, rbmcc_opt, plot.rbcc, summary.rbcc.


# Data generation for matrix X
mu_X <- c(0,1,2)               # vector of means.
va_X  <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation.
sk_X <- c(0,0.5, 0.8)          # vector of skewness.
ku_X <- c(3,3.5, 4)            # vector of kurtosis.
obs <- 200                     # Total number of observations of a process.

X <- data_gen (obs, mu_X, va_X, sk_X, ku_X) # generate data pints

# Data generation for measurement error matrix UC

mu_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # vector of means of measurement errors.
va_UC <- c(1,2, 0.5)           # vector of standard deviation of measurement errors.
sk_UC <- c(0,0,0)              # Vector of skewness of measurement errors.
ku_UC <- c(3,3,3)              # Vector of kurtosis of measurement errors.

# example for generation of measurement error matrix
UC <- data_gen(obs,mu_UC, va_UC, sk_UC, ku_UC)

# with default vector of decision costs
C <- c(1,1,1,1)                # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
plot(H)                        # plot RBMCC

H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)        # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C)           # for subgroups of size 1
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# with vector of proportional decision costs and sugbroup size 3
C <- c(1, 5, 60, 5)           # vector of decision costs
H <- rbmcc(X, UC, C, 3)           # for subgroups of size 3
H_opt <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 3)   # optimal risk-based multivariate control chart

# Plot of Hotelling's T2 and optimal risk based multivariate control charts


# Example of considering the real sample

data("t2uc")                # load the dataset

X <- as.matrix(t2uc[,1:2])  # get optical measurements ar "real" values
UC <- as.matrix(t2uc[,5:6]) # get measurement errors
C <- c(1,20,160,5) # define cost structure

# Fit optimized RBT2 control chart
R <- rbmcc_opt(X, UC, C, 1,confidence_level = 0.99)
summary(R) # summarize the results
plot(R)    # plot the result

[Package rbcc version 0.1.1 Index]