Ks {raytracing}R Documentation

Calculates Total Wavenumber for Stationary Rossby Waves (Ks)


Ks ingests the time-mean zonal wind (u) and calculates the Total Wavenumber for Stationary Rossby waves (Ks) in mercator coordinates (see: Hoskins and Ambrizzi, 1993). Stationary Rossby waves are found when zonal wave number (k) is constant along the trajectory, which leads to wave frequency (omega) zero. In this code Ks is used to distinguish the total wavenumber for Stationary Rossby Waves (Ks) from the total wavenumber for Rossby waves (K), and zonal wave number (k). Ks returns a list with Ks in mercator coordinates (ksm).


  lat = "lat",
  lon = "lon",
  uname = "uwnd",
  a = 6371000,
  plots = FALSE,
  show.warnings = FALSE



String indicating the input data filename. The file to be passed consists in a netCDF file with only time-mean zonal wind at one pressure level, latitude in ascending order (not a requisite), and longitude from 0 to 360. It is required that the read dimensions express longitude (in rows) x latitude (in columns). u also can be a numerical matrix with time-mean zonal wind at one pressure level, latitude in ascending order (not a requisite), and longitude from 0 to 360. It is required that the read dimensions express longitude (in rows) x latitude (in columns).


String indicating the name of the latitude field. If u is a matrix, lat must be numeric.


String indicating the name of the longitude field.If u is a matrix, lon must be numeric from 0 to 360.


String indicating the variable name field


String indicating the file name for store output data. If missing, will not return a netCDF file


Numeric indicating the Earth's radio (m)


Logical, if TRUE will produce filled.countour plots


Logical, if TRUE will warns about NaNs in sqrt(<0)


list with one vector (lat) and 1 matrix (Ksm)


# u is NetCDF and lat and lon characters
input <- system.file("extdata",
                      package = "raytracing")
Ks <- Ks(u = input, plots = TRUE)
Ks$ksm[] <- ifelse(Ks$ksm[] >= 16 |
                   Ks$ksm[] <= 0, NA, Ks$ksm[])
cores <- c("#ff0000","#ff5a00","#ff9a00","#ffce00","#f0ff00")
graphics::filled.contour(Ks$ksm[, -c(1:5, 69:73)] ,
                         col = rev(colorRampPalette(cores, bias = 0.5)(20)),
                         main = "Ks")

[Package raytracing version 0.6.0 Index]