segment {rayrender}R Documentation

Segment Object


Similar to the cylinder object, but specified by start and end points.


  start = c(0, -1, 0),
  end = c(0, 1, 0),
  radius = 0.1,
  phi_min = 0,
  phi_max = 360,
  from_center = TRUE,
  direction = NA,
  material = diffuse(),
  capped = TRUE,
  flipped = FALSE,
  scale = c(1, 1, 1)



Default 'c(0, -1, 0)'. Start point of the cylinder segment, specifing 'x', 'y', 'z'.


Default 'c(0, 1, 0)'. End point of the cylinder segment, specifing 'x', 'y', 'z'.


Default '1'. Radius of the segment.


Default '0'. Minimum angle around the segment.


Default '360'. Maximum angle around the segment.


Default 'TRUE'. If orientation specified via 'direction', setting this argument to 'FALSE' will make 'start' specify the bottom of the segment, instead of the middle.


Default 'NA'. Alternative to 'start' and 'end', specify the direction (via a length-3 vector) of the segment. Segment will be centered at 'start', and the length will be determined by the magnitude of the direction vector.


Default diffuse.The material, called from one of the material functions diffuse, metal, or dielectric.


Default 'TRUE'. Whether to add caps to the segment. Turned off when using the 'light()' material.


Default 'FALSE'. Whether to flip the normals.


Default 'c(1, 1, 1)'. Scale transformation in the x, y, and z directions. If this is a single value, number, the object will be scaled uniformly. Notes: this will change the stated start/end position of the segment. Emissive objects may not currently function correctly when scaled.


Single row of a tibble describing the segment in the scene.


#Generate a segment in the cornell box. 
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 100, 100), end = c(455, 455, 455), radius = 50)) %>%
  render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40, 
               ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 128, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)

# Draw a line graph representing a normal distribution, but with metal:
xvals = seq(-3, 3, length.out = 30)
yvals = dnorm(xvals)

scene_list = list()
for(i in 1:(length(xvals) - 1)) {
  scene_list[[i]] = segment(start = c(555/2 + xvals[i] * 80, yvals[i] * 800, 555/2),
                            end = c(555/2 + xvals[i + 1] * 80, yvals[i + 1] * 800, 555/2),
                            radius = 10,
                            material = metal())
scene_segments =,scene_list)
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>% 
  add_object(scene_segments) %>%
  render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40, 
               ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 128, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)

#Draw the outline of a cube:

cube_outline = segment(start = c(100, 100, 100), end = c(100, 100, 455), radius = 10) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 100, 100), end = c(100, 455, 100), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 100, 100), end = c(455, 100, 100), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 100, 455), end = c(100, 455, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 100, 455), end = c(455, 100, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 455, 455), end = c(100, 455, 100), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 455, 455), end = c(455, 455, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(455, 455, 100), end = c(455, 100, 100), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(455, 455, 100), end = c(455, 455, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(455, 100, 100), end = c(455, 100, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(455, 100, 455), end = c(455, 455, 455), radius = 10)) %>%
  add_object(segment(start = c(100, 455, 100), end = c(455, 455, 100), radius = 10))

if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>%
  add_object(cube_outline) %>%
  render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40, 
               ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 128, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)

#Shrink and rotate the cube
if(run_documentation()) {
generate_cornell() %>%
  add_object(group_objects(cube_outline, pivot_point = c(555/2, 555/2, 555/2),
                           angle = c(45,45,45), scale = c(0.5,0.5,0.5))) %>%
  render_scene(lookfrom = c(278, 278, -800) ,lookat = c(278, 278, 0), fov = 40, 
               ambient_light = FALSE, samples = 128, parallel = TRUE, clamp_value = 5)

[Package rayrender version 0.34.2 Index]