extruded_path {rayrender}R Documentation

Extruded Path Object


Note: Bump mapping with non-diffuse materials does not work correctly, and smoothed normals will be flat when using a bump map.


  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  z = 0,
  polygon = NA,
  polygon_end = NA,
  breaks = NA,
  closed = FALSE,
  closed_smooth = TRUE,
  polygon_add_points = 0,
  twists = 0,
  texture_repeats = 1,
  straight = FALSE,
  precomputed_control_points = FALSE,
  width = 1,
  width_end = NA,
  width_ease = "spline",
  smooth_normals = FALSE,
  u_min = 0,
  u_max = 1,
  linear_step = FALSE,
  end_caps = c(TRUE, TRUE),
  material = diffuse(),
  material_caps = NA,
  angle = c(0, 0, 0),
  order_rotation = c(1, 2, 3),
  flipped = FALSE,
  scale = c(1, 1, 1)



Either a list of length-3 numeric vectors or 3-column matrix/data.frame specifying the x/y/z points that the path should go through.


Default '0'. x-coordinate offset for the path.


Default '0'. y-coordinate offset for the path.


Default '0'. z-coordinate offset for the path.


Defaults to a circle. A polygon with no holes, specified by a data.frame() parsable by 'xy.coords()'. Vertices are taken as sequential rows. If the polygon isn't closed (the last vertex equal to the first), it will be closed automatically.


Defaults to 'polygon'. If specified, the number of vertices should equal the to the number of vertices of the polygon set in ‘polygon'. Vertices are taken as sequential rows. If the polygon isn’t closed (the last vertex equal to the first), it will be closed automatically.


Defaults to '20' times the number of control points in the bezier curve.


Default 'FALSE'. If 'TRUE', the path will be closed by smoothly connecting the first and last points, also ensuring the final polygon is aligned to the first.


Default 'TRUE'. If 'closed = TRUE', this will ensure C2 (second derivative) continuity between the ends. If 'closed = FALSE', the curve will only have C1 (first derivative) continuity between the ends.


Default '0'. Positive integer specifying the number of points to fill in between polygon vertices. Higher numbers can give smoother results (especially when combined with 'smooth_normals = TRUE'.


Default '0'. Number of twists in the polygon from one end to another.


Default '1'. Number of times to repeat the texture along the length of the path.


Default 'FALSE'. If 'TRUE', straight lines will be used to connect the points instead of bezier curves.


Default 'FALSE'. If 'TRUE', 'points' argument will expect a list of control points calculated with the internal rayrender function 'rayrender:::calculate_control_points()'.


Default '0.1'. Curve width. If 'width_ease == "spline"', 'width' is specified in a format that can be read by 'xy.coords()' (with 'y' as the width), and the 'x' coordinate is between '0' and '1', this can also specify the exact positions along the curve for the corresponding width values. If a numeric vector, specifies the different values of the width evenly along the curve. If not a single value, 'width_end' will be ignored.


Default 'NA'. Width at end of path. Same as 'width', unless specified. Ignored if multiple width values specified in 'width'.


Default 'spline'. Ease function between width values. Other options: 'linear', 'quad', 'cubic', 'exp'.


Default 'FALSE'. Whether to smooth the normals of the polygon to remove sharp angles.


Default '0'. Minimum parametric coordinate for the path. If 'closed = TRUE', values greater than one will refer to the beginning of the loop (but the path will be generated as two objects).


Default '1'. Maximum parametric coordinate for the path. If 'closed = TRUE', values greater than one will refer to the beginning of the loop (but the path will be generated as two objects).


Default 'FALSE'. Whether the polygon intervals should be set at linear intervals, rather than intervals based on the underlying bezier curve parameterization.


Default 'c(TRUE, TRUE)'. Specifies whether to add an end cap to the beginning and end of a path.


Default diffuse. The material, called from one of the material functions.


Defaults to the same material set in 'material'. Note: emissive objects may not currently function correctly when scaled.


Default 'c(0, 0, 0)'. Angle of rotation around the x, y, and z axes, applied in the order specified in 'order_rotation'.


Default 'c(1, 2, 3)'. The order to apply the rotations, referring to "x", "y", and "z".


Default 'FALSE'. Whether to flip the normals.


Default 'c(1, 1, 1)'. Scale transformation in the x, y, and z directions. If this is a single value, number, the object will be scaled uniformly.


Single row of a tibble describing the cube in the scene.


if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify the points for the path to travel though and the ground material
points = list(c(0,0,1),c(-0.5,0,-1),c(0,1,-1),c(1,0.5,0),c(0.6,0.3,1))
ground_mat = material=diffuse(color="grey50",
                              checkercolor = "grey20",checkerperiod = 1.5)
if(run_documentation()) {
#Default path shape is a circle
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.25, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the width evenly along the tube
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.25, 
                           width_end = 0.5,
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Change the width along the full length of the tube
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify the exact parametric x positions for the width values:
custom_width = data.frame(x=c(0,0.2,0.5,0.8,1), y=c(0.25,0.5,0,0.5,0.25))
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, 
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Generate a star polygon
angles = seq(360,0,length.out=21)
xx = c(rep(c(1,0.75,0.5,0.75),5),1) * sinpi(angles/180)/4
yy = c(rep(c(1,0.75,0.5,0.75),5),1) * cospi(angles/180)/4
star_polygon = data.frame(x=xx,y=yy)

#Extrude a path using a star polygon
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, 
                           polygon = star_polygon,
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,1),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Specify a circle polygon
angles = seq(360,0,length.out=21)
xx = sinpi(angles/180)/4
yy = cospi(angles/180)/4
circ_polygon = data.frame(x=xx,y=yy)

#Transform from the circle polygon to the star polygon and change the end cap material
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, 
                           polygon=circ_polygon, polygon_end = star_polygon,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0.5),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Add three and a half twists along the path, and make sure the breaks are evenly spaced
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           polygon=star_polygon, linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Smooth the normals for a less sharp appearance:
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           smooth_normals = TRUE,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Only generate part of the curve, specified by the u_min and u_max arguments
generate_studio(depth=-0.4,material=ground_mat) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.5, twists = 3.5,
                           u_min = 0.2, u_max = 0.8,
                           polygon=star_polygon, linear_step = TRUE, breaks=360,
                           material_cap  = diffuse(color="white"),
                           material=diffuse(color="red"))) %>% 
  add_object(sphere(y=3,z=5,x=2,material=light(intensity=15))) %>% 
  render_scene(lookat=c(0.3,0.5,0),fov=12, width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")
if(run_documentation()) {
#Render a Mobius strip with 1.5 turns 
points = list(c(0,0,0),c(0.5,0.5,0),c(0,1,0),c(-0.5,0.5,0))
square_polygon = matrix(c(-1, -0.1, 0,
                           1, -0.1, 0,
                           1,  0.1, 0,
                          -1,  0.1, 0)/10, ncol=3,byrow = T)

               material=diffuse(color = "dodgerblue4", checkercolor = "#002a61",
                                checkerperiod = 1)) %>%
 add_object(extruded_path(points = points,  polygon=square_polygon, closed = TRUE,
                          linear_step = TRUE, twists = 1.5, breaks = 720, 
                          material = diffuse(noisecolor = "black", noise = 10, 
                                             noiseintensity = 10))) %>%
 add_object(sphere(y=20,x=0,z=21,material=light(intensity = 1000))) %>% 
 render_scene(lookat=c(0,0.5,0), fov=10, samples=128, sample_method = "sobol_blue",
              width = 800, height=800)
if(run_documentation()) {
#Create a green glass tube with the dielectric priority interface
#and fill it with a purple neon tube light
                                            checkercolor = "grey20",checkerperiod = 1.5)) %>%
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.7, linear_step = TRUE, 
                           polygon = star_polygon, twists = 2, closed = TRUE,
                           polygon_end = star_polygon, breaks=500,
                           material=dielectric(priority = 1, refraction = 1.2, 
                                               attenuation_intensity=20))) %>% 
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.4, linear_step = TRUE,
                           polygon = star_polygon,twists = 2, closed = TRUE,
                           polygon_end = star_polygon, breaks=500,
                           material=dielectric(priority = 0,refraction = 1))) %>%  
  add_object(extruded_path(points = points, width=0.05, closed = TRUE,
                           material=light(color="purple", intensity = 5,
                                          importance_sample = FALSE))) %>%
  add_object(sphere(y=10,z=-5,x=0,radius=5,material=light(color = "white",intensity = 5))) %>%
               width=800,height=800, clamp_value = 10,
               aperture=0.025, samples=128, sample_method="sobol_blue")

[Package rayrender version 0.34.2 Index]