design_filter {ravetools}R Documentation

Design a digital filter


Provides 'FIR' and 'IIR' filter options; default is 'FIR', see also design_filter_fir; for 'IIR' filters, see design_filter_iir.


  data = NULL,
  method = c("fir_kaiser", "firls", "fir_remez", "butter", "cheby1", "cheby2", "ellip"),
  high_pass_freq = NA,
  high_pass_trans_freq = NA,
  low_pass_freq = NA,
  low_pass_trans_freq = NA,
  passband_ripple = 0.1,
  stopband_attenuation = 40,
  filter_order = NA,
  data_size = length(data)



data sample rate


data to be filtered, can be optional (NULL)


filter method, options are "fir" (default), "butter", "cheby1", "cheby2", and "ellip"

high_pass_freq, low_pass_freq

high-pass or low-pass frequency, see design_filter_fir or design_filter_iir

high_pass_trans_freq, low_pass_trans_freq

transition bandwidths, see design_filter_fir or design_filter_iir


allowable pass-band ripple in decibel; default is 0.1


minimum stop-band attenuation (in decibel) at transition frequency; default is 40 dB.


suggested filter order; 'RAVE' may or may not adopt this suggestion depending on the data and numerical feasibility


passed to filter generator functions


used by 'FIR' filter design to determine maximum order, ignored in 'IIR' filters; automatically derived from data


If data is specified and non-empty, this function returns filtered data via forward and backward filtfilt; if data is NULL, then returns the generator function.


sample_rate <- 200
t <- seq(0, 10, by = 1 / sample_rate)
x <- sin(t * 4 * pi) + sin(t * 20 * pi) +
  2 * sin(t * 120 * pi) + rnorm(length(t), sd = 0.4)

# ---- Using FIR ------------------------------------------------

# Low-pass filter
y1 <- design_filter(
  data = x,
  sample_rate = sample_rate,
  low_pass_freq = 3, low_pass_trans_freq = 0.5

# Band-pass cheby1 filter 8-12 Hz with custom transition
y2 <- design_filter(
  data = x,
  method = "cheby1",
  sample_rate = sample_rate,
  low_pass_freq = 12, low_pass_trans_freq = .25,
  high_pass_freq = 8, high_pass_trans_freq = .25

y3 <- design_filter(
  data = x,
  sample_rate = sample_rate,
  low_pass_freq = 80,
  high_pass_freq = 30

oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 1),
              mar = c(3.1, 2.1, 3.1, 0.1))
plot(t, x, type = 'l', xlab = "Time", ylab = "",
     main = "Mixture of 2, 10, and 60Hz", xlim = c(0,1))
# lines(t, y, col = 'red')
lines(t, y3, col = 'green')
lines(t, y2, col = 'blue')
lines(t, y1, col = 'red')
  "topleft", c("Input", "Low: 3Hz", "Pass 8-12Hz", "Pass 30-80Hz"),
  col = c(par("fg"), "red", "blue", "green"), lty = 1,
  cex = 0.6

# plot pwelch
pwelch(x, fs = sample_rate, window = sample_rate * 2,
       noverlap = sample_rate, plot = 1, ylim = c(-100, 10))
pwelch(y1, fs = sample_rate, window = sample_rate * 2,
       noverlap = sample_rate, plot = 2, col = "red")
pwelch(y2, fs = sample_rate, window = sample_rate * 2,
       noverlap = sample_rate, plot = 2, col = "blue")
pwelch(y3, fs = sample_rate, window = sample_rate * 2,
       noverlap = sample_rate, plot = 2, col = "green")

# ---- Clean this demo --------------------------------------------------

[Package ravetools version 0.1.7 Index]