readDataFrame {raven.rdf}R Documentation

Reads a DataFrame from the specified file.


The file to be read must be a DataFrame (.df) file. The content of the file is returned as an R data.frame object.





The path to the file to read


The column types from Raven DataFrames are mapped to the corresponding R types. More specifically, all integer types (byte, short, int, long) are mapped to the R 'integer' type. The floating point types (float, double) are mapped to the R 'double' type. Both string and char types are mapped to the R 'character' type. Booleans are mapped to the R 'logical' type. Binary columns are represented as R 'list' types containing raw vectors.


A data.frame object

See Also

deserializeDataFrame() for deserializing vectors of raw bytes.
writeDataFrame() for writing DataFrame files which can be read by this function.


## Not run: 
# read a .df file into memory
df <- readDataFrame("/path/to/my/file.df")

# get the types for all columns
types <- sapply(df, typeof)

## End(Not run)

[Package raven.rdf version 0.2.0 Index]