acquireAuditData |
Generate the audit dataset. |
asRules |
List the rules corresponding to the rpart decision tree |
asRules.rpart |
List the rules corresponding to the rpart decision tree |
audit |
Sample dataset to illustrate Rattle functionality. |
binning |
Perform binning over numeric data |
calcInitialDigitDistr |
Generate a frequency count of the initial digits |
calculateAUC |
Determine area under a curve (e.g. a risk or recall curve) of a risk chart |
centers.hclust |
List Cluster Centers for a Hierarchical Cluster |
comcat |
Echo data in a human readable form. |
copyPlotToClipboard |
Save a plot in some way |
crs |
Display the Rattle User Interface |
crv |
Display the Rattle User Interface |
drawTreeNodes |
Draw nodes of a decision tree |
drawTreesAda |
Draw trees from an Ada model |
errorMatrix |
Generate an error matrix from actua and predicted data. |
evaluateRisk |
Summarise the performance of a data mining model |
fancyRpartPlot |
A wrapper for plotting rpart trees using prp |
genPlotTitleCmd |
Generate a string to add a title to a plot |
ggVarImp |
Model. |
listAdaVarsUsed |
List the variables used by an adaboost model |
listTreesAda |
List trees from an Ada model |
listVersions |
Versions of Installed Packages |
locationsAUS |
Daily weather observations from multiple Australian weather stations. |
modalvalue |
Calculate the mode of a vector, array or list. |
plotOptimalLine |
Plot three lines on a risk chart, one vertical and two horizontal |
plotRisk |
Plot a risk chart |
printPlot |
Save a plot in some way |
printRandomForests |
Print a representation of the Random Forest models to the console |
randomForest2Rules |
Generate accessible data structure of a randomForest model |
rattle |
Display the Rattle User Interface |
rattle.print.summary.multinom |
Print information about a multinomial model |
rattleInfo |
Extract Rattle and related package information. | |
Transform a numeric vector by grouping it according to the values of the supplied factor and then rescaling within the groups. |
riskchart |
Plot a risk chart |
savePlotToFile |
Save a plot in some way |
setupDataset |
Given specific contents of env add other dataset related variables. |
treeset.randomForest |
Generate a representation of a tree in a Random Forest |
weather |
Sample dataset of daily weather observations from Canberra airport in Australia. |
weatherAUS |
Daily weather observations from multiple Australian weather stations. |
whichNumerics |
Returns a list of the names of the numeric variables in a data frame. |
wine |
The wine dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. |