Graphical User Interface for Data Science in R

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Documentation for package ‘rattle’ version 5.5.1

Help Pages

acquireAuditData Generate the audit dataset.
asRules List the rules corresponding to the rpart decision tree
asRules.rpart List the rules corresponding to the rpart decision tree
audit Sample dataset to illustrate Rattle functionality.
binning Perform binning over numeric data
calcInitialDigitDistr Generate a frequency count of the initial digits
calculateAUC Determine area under a curve (e.g. a risk or recall curve) of a risk chart
centers.hclust List Cluster Centers for a Hierarchical Cluster
comcat Echo data in a human readable form.
copyPlotToClipboard Save a plot in some way
crs Display the Rattle User Interface
crv Display the Rattle User Interface
drawTreeNodes Draw nodes of a decision tree
drawTreesAda Draw trees from an Ada model
errorMatrix Generate an error matrix from actua and predicted data.
evaluateRisk Summarise the performance of a data mining model
fancyRpartPlot A wrapper for plotting rpart trees using prp
genPlotTitleCmd Generate a string to add a title to a plot
ggVarImp Model.
listAdaVarsUsed List the variables used by an adaboost model
listTreesAda List trees from an Ada model
listVersions Versions of Installed Packages
locationsAUS Daily weather observations from multiple Australian weather stations.
modalvalue Calculate the mode of a vector, array or list.
plotOptimalLine Plot three lines on a risk chart, one vertical and two horizontal
plotRisk Plot a risk chart
printPlot Save a plot in some way
printRandomForests Print a representation of the Random Forest models to the console
randomForest2Rules Generate accessible data structure of a randomForest model
rattle Display the Rattle User Interface
rattle.print.summary.multinom Print information about a multinomial model
rattleInfo Extract Rattle and related package information. Transform a numeric vector by grouping it according to the values of the supplied factor and then rescaling within the groups.
riskchart Plot a risk chart
savePlotToFile Save a plot in some way
setupDataset Given specific contents of env add other dataset related variables.
treeset.randomForest Generate a representation of a tree in a Random Forest
weather Sample dataset of daily weather observations from Canberra airport in Australia.
weatherAUS Daily weather observations from multiple Australian weather stations.
whichNumerics Returns a list of the names of the numeric variables in a data frame.
wine The wine dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.