Linear Model with Tree-Based Lasso Regularization for Rare Features

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Documentation for package ‘rare’ version 0.1.1

Help Pages

rare-package Model path for tree-based lasso framework for selecting rare features
data.dtm Document-term matrix for adjectives in TripAdvisor hotel reviews
data.hc Hierarchical clustering tree for adjectives in TripAdvisor data set
data.rating TripAdvisor hotel review ratings
find.leaves Find all descendant leaves of a node in an hclust tree
group.plot Visualize groups by coloring branches and leaves of an hclust tree
group.recover Recover aggregated groups of leaf indices
rarefit Fit the rare feature selection model Perform K-fold cross validation
rarefit.predict Make predictions from a rarefit object and a object
tree.matrix Generate matrix A encoding ancestor-descendant relationships in an hclust tree