plot {raptr}R Documentation

Plot object


This function plots the solutions contained in RapSolved() objects. It can be used to show a single solution, or the the selection frequencies of planning units contained in a single RapSolved() object. Additionally, two RapSolved() objects can be supplied to plot the differences between them.


## S4 method for signature 'RapSolved,numeric'
plot(x, y, basemap = "none",
 pu.color.palette = c("#e5f5f9", "#00441b", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000"), alpha =
 ifelse(basemap == "none", 1, 0.7), grayscale = FALSE, main = NULL,
 force.reset = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'RapSolved,missing'
plot(x, y, basemap = "none",
pu.color.palette = c("PuBu", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000"),
alpha = ifelse(basemap == "none", 1, 0.7),
grayscale = FALSE, main = NULL,
force.reset = FALSE)

## S4 method for signature 'RapSolved,RapSolved'
plot(x, y, i = NULL, j = i,
basemap = "none",
pu.color.palette = ifelse(is.null(i), c("RdYlBu", "#FFFF00",
"#FF0000"), "Accent"),
alpha = ifelse(basemap == "none", 1, 0.7),
grayscale = FALSE, main = NULL, force.reset = FALSE)



RapSolved() object.


Available inputs are: NULL to plot selection frequencies, numeric number to plot a specific solution, 0 to plot the best solution, and a RapSolved() object to plot differences in solutions between objects. Defaults to NULL.


character object indicating the type of basemap to use (see basemap()). Valid options include "none", "roadmap", "mobile", "satellite", "terrain", "hybrid", "mapmaker-roadmap", "mapmaker-hybrid". Defaults to "none" such that no basemap is shown.


character vector of colors to indicate planning unit statuses. If plotting selection frequencies (i.e., j = NULL), then defaults to a c("PuBu", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000"). Here, the first element corresponds to a color palette (per RColorBrewer::brewer.pal()) and the last two elements indicate the colors for locked in and locked out planning units. Otherwise, the parameter defaults to a character vector of c("grey30", "green", "yellow", "black", "gray80", "red", "orange").


numeric value to indicating the transparency level for coloring the planning units.


logical should the basemap be gray-scaled?


character title for the plot. Defaults to NULL and a default title is used.


logical if basemap data has been cached, should it be re-downloaded?


Available inputs are: NULL to plot selection frequencies. numeric to plot a specific solution, 0 to plot the best solution. This argument is only used when y is a RapSolved() object. Defaults to NULL.


Available inputs are: NULL to plot selection frequencies. numeric to plot a specific solution, 0 to plot the best solution. This argument is only used when y is a RapSolved() object. Defaults to argument j.


This function requires the RgoogleMaps package to be installed in order to create display a basemap.

See Also



## Not run: 
# load example data set with solutions

# plot selection frequencies

# plot best solution
plot(sim_rs, 0)

# plot second solution
plot(sim_rs, 2)

# plot different between best and second solutions
plot(sim_rs, sim_rs, 0 ,2)

## End(Not run)

[Package raptr version 1.0.1 Index]