rapport.inputs {rapport}R Documentation

Template Inputs


Displays summary for template inputs (if any). Note that as of version 0.5, rapport template inputs should be defined using YAML syntax. See deprecated-inputs for details on old input syntax. The following sections describe new YAML input definition style.


rapport.inputs(fp, use.header = FALSE)



a template file pointer (see rapport:::rapport.read for details)


a logical value indicating whether the header section is provided in h argument



The full power of rapport comes into play with template inputs. One can match inputs against dataset variables or custom R objects. The inputs provide means of assigning R objects to symbols in the template evaluation environment. Inputs themselves do not handle only the template names, but also provide an extensive set of rules that each dataset variable/user-provided R object has to satisfy. The new YAML input specification takes advantage of R class system. The input attributes should resemble common R object attributes and methods.

Inputs can be divided into two categories:

General input attributes

Following attributes are available for all inputs:

Class-specific attributes


numeric, integer


See Also

rapport.meta rapport.info

[Package rapport version 1.1 Index]