rapidjsonr-package {rapidjsonr} | R Documentation |
Proivdes JSON parsing capability through the 'Rapidjson' 'C++' header-only library.
Provides JSON parsing capability through the 'Rapidjson' 'C++' header-only library.
Maintainer: David Cooley dcooley@symbolix.com.au
Other contributors:
Milo Yip (Author of c++ rapidjson library, provided through THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company) [contributor]
Alexander Chemeris (Author of c++ msinttypes library) [contributor]
## Not run:
# Include a dependency to rapidjsonr inside a cpp file
// [[Rcpp::depends(rapidjsonr)]]
include <Rcpp.h>
## End(Not run)
[Package rapidjsonr version 1.2.0 Index]