Testing Randomness in R

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Documentation for package ‘randtests’ version 1.0.2

Help Pages

randtests-package Testing randomness in R
bartels.rank.test Bartels Rank Test
cox.stuart.test Cox Stuart Trend Test
dbartelsrank Distribution of the Bartels Rank Test Statistic NM
difference.sign.test Difference Sign Test
druns Distribution of the Wald Wolfowitz Runs Statistic
pbartelsrank Distribution of the Bartels Rank Test Statistic NM
permut Generate all permutations of m elements of a vector
pruns Distribution of the Wald Wolfowitz Runs Statistic
qruns Distribution of the Wald Wolfowitz Runs Statistic
rank.test Mann-Kendall Rank Test
rruns Distribution of the Wald Wolfowitz Runs Statistic
runs.test Wald-Wolfowitz Runs Test
sweetpotato Sweet potato production
turning.point.test Turning Point Test