init_values {randomUniformForest} | R Documentation |
Training and validation samples from data
Draw training and test samples from data. Samples can be accessed by subsctioting original data or by their own references.
init_values(X, Y = NULL, sample.size = 0.5,
data.splitting = "ALL",
unit.scaling = FALSE,
scaling = FALSE,
regression = FALSE)
X |
a matrix or dataframe to be splitted in training and validation sample |
Y |
a response vector for the observed data. |
sample.size |
size of the needed training sample in proportion of the nulber of observations in original data. |
data.splitting |
not currently used. |
unit.scaling |
if TRUE, scale all data in X between 0 and 1, if they are all positive, or between -1 and 1. |
scaling |
if TRUE, centers and scales data, so each variable willhave mean 0 abd variance 1. |
regression |
if TRUE and scaling = TRUE, Y will also be scaled. |
a list with the following components :
xtrain |
a matrix or data frame representing the training sample. |
ytrain |
a response vector representing the training responses according to the training sample. |
xtest |
a matrix or data frame representing the validation sample. |
ytest |
a response vector representing the validation responses according to the validation sample. |
train_idx |
subscripts of the training sample. |
test_idx |
subscripts of the validation sample. |
Saip Ciss
Y <- iris$Species
X <- iris[,-which(colnames(iris) == "Species")]
trainingAndValidationsamples <- init_values(X, Y, sample.size = 0.5)
Xtrain = trainingAndValidationsamples$xtrain
Ytrain = trainingAndValidationsamples$ytrain
Xvalid = trainingAndValidationsamples$xtest
Yvalid = trainingAndValidationsamples$ytest