Breiman and Cutler's Random Forests for Classification and Regression

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Documentation for package ‘randomForest’ version 4.7-1.1

Help Pages

classCenter Prototypes of groups.
combine Combine Ensembles of Trees
getTree Extract a single tree from a forest.
grow Add trees to an ensemble
grow.default Add trees to an ensemble
grow.randomForest Add trees to an ensemble
importance Extract variable importance measure
importance.default Extract variable importance measure
importance.randomForest Extract variable importance measure
imports85 The Automobile Data
margin Margins of randomForest Classifier
margin.default Margins of randomForest Classifier
margin.randomForest Margins of randomForest Classifier
MDSplot Multi-dimensional Scaling Plot of Proximity matrix from randomForest
na.roughfix Rough Imputation of Missing Values Rough Imputation of Missing Values
na.roughfix.default Rough Imputation of Missing Values
outlier Compute outlying measures
outlier.default Compute outlying measures
outlier.randomForest Compute outlying measures
partialPlot Partial dependence plot
partialPlot.default Partial dependence plot
partialPlot.randomForest Partial dependence plot
plot.margin Margins of randomForest Classifier
plot.randomForest Plot method for randomForest objects
predict.randomForest predict method for random forest objects
print.randomForest Classification and Regression with Random Forest
randomForest Classification and Regression with Random Forest
randomForest.default Classification and Regression with Random Forest
randomForest.formula Classification and Regression with Random Forest
rfcv Random Forest Cross-Valdidation for feature selection
rfImpute Missing Value Imputations by randomForest
rfImpute.default Missing Value Imputations by randomForest
rfImpute.formula Missing Value Imputations by randomForest
rfNews Show the NEWS file
treesize Size of trees in an ensemble
tuneRF Tune randomForest for the optimal mtry parameter
varImpPlot Variable Importance Plot
varUsed Variables used in a random forest