ridgeP.fused {rags2ridges}R Documentation

Fused ridge estimation


Performs fused ridge estimation of multiple precision matrices in cases where multiple classes of data is present for given a penalty matrix.


  Tlist = default.target.fused(Slist, ns),
  maxit = 100L,
  verbose = TRUE,
  relative = TRUE,
  eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)



A list of length GG of covariance matrices, i.e. square, symmetric numeric matrices of the same size. The ggth matrix should correspond to the ggth class.


A numeric vector of sample sizes on which the matrices in Slist are based. I.e. ns[g] correspond to Slist[[g]].


A list of length GG of numeric p.d. target matrices corresponding to the matrices in Slist. If not supplied, the default is given by default.target.


The GG by GG penalty matrix. That is, a symmetric, non-negative numeric matrix of size GG times GG giving the class- and pair-specific penalties. The diagonal entries are the class specific ridge penalties. I.e. lambda[i, i] is the ridge penalty for class ii. The off-diagonal entries are the pair-specific fusion penalties. I.e. lambda[i, j] is the fusion penalty applied on the pair of classes ii and jj.

Alternatively, can be supplied as a numeric of length 1 or 2. If a single number, a diagonal penalty with lambda in the diagonal is used If supplied as a numeric vector of two numbers, the first is used as a common ridge penalty and the second as a common fusion penalty.


An optional list of initial precision matrices for the fused ridge algorithm the same size as Slist. Can be omitted. Default is the nonfused ridge precision estimate using the pooled covariance matrix corresponding to setting all fusion penalties to zero.


A single integer giving the maximum number of allowed iterations. Can be set to Inf. If maxit is hit, a warning is given.


logical. Set to TRUE for extra output.


logical indicating if the convergence criterion should be on a relative scale.


A single positive numeric giving the convergence threshold.


Performs a coordinate ascent to find the maximum likelihood of the fused likelihood problem for a given ridge penalty lambdalambda and fused penalty matrix LambdafLambda_f.


Returns a list as Slist with precision estimates of the corresponding classes.


For extreme fusion penalties in lambda the algorithm is quite sensitive to the initial values given in Plist.


Anders Ellern Bilgrau, Carel F.W. Peeters <carel.peeters@wur.nl>, Wessel N. van Wieringen


Bilgrau, A.E., Peeters, C.F.W., Eriksen, P.S., Boegsted, M., and van Wieringen, W.N. (2020). Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(26): 1-52.

See Also

ridgeP for the regular ridge estimate


# Create some (not at all high-dimensional) data on three classes
p <- 5  # Dimension
ns <- c(4, 6, 8)  # Sample sizes (K = 3 classes)
Slist <- createS(ns, p = p)
str(Slist, max.level = 2)  # The structure of Slist

# Estimate the precisions (using the complete penalty graph)

res1 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))

# The same using the penalty matrix (the diagnal is ignored)
mylambda  <- matrix(c(1.3, 2.1, 2.1,
                      2.1, 1.3, 2.1,
                      2.1, 2.1, 1.3), 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)
res2 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = mylambda)
stopifnot(all.equal(res1, res2))

# Estimate the precisions (using a non-complete penalty graph)

# Say we only want to shrink pairs (1,2) and (2,3) and not (1,3)
mylambda[1,3] <- mylambda[3,1] <- 0
res3 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, lambda = mylambda)
# which similar to, but not the same as res1 and res2.

# Using other custom target matrices

# Construct a custom target list
myTlist <- list(diag(p), matrix(1, p, p), matrix(0, p, p))
res4 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, Tlist = myTlist, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))

# Alternative, see ?default.target.fused
myTlist2 <- default.target.fused(Slist, ns, type = "Null")  # For the null target
res5 <- ridgeP.fused(Slist, ns, Tlist = myTlist2, lambda = c(1.3, 2.1))

[Package rags2ridges version 2.2.7 Index]