mcnp_si_sp_RD {radsafer}R Documentation

Produce MCNP source terms from ICRP 107 data except beta


#' [Deprecated]: This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future package revision. For now, it is still usable. The replacement, mcnp_sdef_erg_line is the same function, renamed to be consistent with the name of function mcnp_sdef_erg_hist.


  rad_type = NULL,
  photon = FALSE,
  cut = 0.001,
  erg.dist = 1,
  my_dir = NULL,
  write_permit = "n"



Radionuclide in form "Ba-137m"


Radiation type, leave NULL if selecting photons or select from: 'X' for X-Ray 'G' for Gamma 'AE' for Auger Electron 'IE' for Internal Conversion Electron 'A' for Alpha 'AR' for Alpha Recoil 'B-' for Beta Negative 'AQ' for Annihilation Quanta 'B+' for Beta Positive 'PG' for Prompt Gamma 'DG' for Delayed Gamma 'DB' for Delayed Beta 'FF' for Fission Fragment 'N' for Neutron


'Y' to select all rad_types that are photons


minimum energy, defaults to 1e-3 MeV


energy distribution number for MCNP input


Optional directory. The function will write an output text file, si_sp.txt to the working directory by default.


Set this to 'y' to allow writing output to your directory.


a data frame can be saved to memory if desired (i.e. by my_file <- mcnp_si_sp_RD(...)). For use with MCNP, a text file, 'si_sp.txt' is written to working directory. If file already exists, it is appended. The file contains all emission energies in the si 'card' and the Line indicator, L is included, e.g. si1 L 0.01 (showing a first energy of 0.01 MeV). This is followed by the emission probability of each si entry. An additional text entry is made summing up the probabilities.

See Also

mcnp_sdef_erg_hist() if radioactive emission data is available in histogram form and needs formatting for MCNP input.

Other mcnp tools: mcnp_cone_angle(), mcnp_est_nps(), mcnp_matrix_rotations(), mcnp_mesh_bins(), mcnp_plot_out_spec(), mcnp_scan2plot(), mcnp_scan_save(), mcnp_sdef_erg_hist(), mcnp_sdef_erg_line(), mcnp_si_sp_hist_scan(), mcnp_si_sp_hist()


## Not run: 
mcnp_si_sp_RD("Co-60", photon = TRUE, cut = 0.01, erg.dist = 13)
mcnp_si_sp_RD("Sr-90", rad_type = "B-", cut = 0.01, erg.dist = 15)
mcnp_si_sp_RD("Am-241", rad_type = "A", cut = 0.01, erg.dist = 23)

## End(Not run)

[Package radsafer version 2.3.0 Index]