add_class | Convenience function to add a class |
add_description | Convenience function to add a markdown description to a data.frame |
arrange_data | Arrange data with user-specified expression |
as_character | Wrapper for as.character |
as_distance | Distance in kilometers or miles between two locations based on lat-long Function based on <http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html>. Uses the haversine formula |
as_dmy | Convert input in day-month-year format to date |
as_dmy_hm | Convert input in day-month-year-hour-minute format to date-time |
as_dmy_hms | Convert input in day-month-year-hour-minute-second format to date-time |
as_duration | Wrapper for lubridate's as.duration function. Result converted to numeric |
as_factor | Wrapper for factor with ordered = FALSE |
as_hm | Convert input in hour-minute format to time |
as_hms | Convert input in hour-minute-second format to time |
as_integer | Convert variable to integer avoiding potential issues with factors |
as_mdy | Convert input in month-day-year format to date |
as_mdy_hm | Convert input in month-day-year-hour-minute format to date-time |
as_mdy_hms | Convert input in month-day-year-hour-minute-second format to date-time |
as_numeric | Convert variable to numeric avoiding potential issues with factors |
as_ymd | Convert input in year-month-day format to date |
as_ymd_hm | Convert input in year-month-day-hour-minute format to date-time |
as_ymd_hms | Convert input in year-month-day-hour-minute-second format to date-time |
avengers | Avengers |
center | Center |
choose_dir | Choose a directory interactively |
choose_files | Choose files interactively |
ci_label | Labels for confidence intervals |
ci_perc | Values at confidence levels |
combinedata | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
combine_data | Combine datasets using dplyr's bind and join functions |
copy_all | Source all package functions |
copy_attr | Copy attributes from one object to another |
copy_from | Source for package functions |
cv | Coefficient of variation |
deregister | Deregister a data.frame or list in Radiant |
describe | Show dataset description |
diamonds | Diamond prices |
does_vary | Does a vector have non-zero variability? |
dtab | Method to create datatables |
dtab.data.frame | Create an interactive table to view, search, sort, and filter data |
dtab.explore | Make an interactive table of summary statistics |
dtab.pivotr | Make an interactive pivot table |
empty_level | Convert categorical variables to factors and deal with empty/missing values |
explore | Explore and summarize data |
filterdata | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
filter_data | Filter data with user-specified expression |
find_dropbox | Find Dropbox folder |
find_gdrive | Find Google Drive folder |
find_home | Find user directory |
find_project | Find the Rstudio project folder |
fixMS | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
fix_names | Ensure column names are valid |
fix_smart | Replace smart quotes etc. |
flip | Flip the DT table to put Function, Variable, or Group by on top |
formatdf | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
formatnr | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
format_df | Format a data.frame with a specified number of decimal places |
format_nr | Format a number with a specified number of decimal places, thousand sep, and a symbol |
getclass | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
getdata | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
getsummary | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
get_class | Get variable class |
get_data | Select variables and filter data |
get_summary | Create data.frame summary |
ggplotly | Work around to avoid (harmless) messages from ggplotly |
indexr | Find index corrected for missing values and filters |
install_webshot | Install webshot and phantomjs |
inverse | Calculate inverse of a variable |
is.empty | Is a variable empty |
is_double | Is input a double (and not a date type)? |
is_not | Convenience function for is.null or is.na |
is_numeric | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
is_string | Is input a string? |
iterms | Create a vector of interaction terms for linear and logistic regression |
launch | Launch radiant apps |
level_list | Generate list of levels and unique values |
ln | Natural log |
load_clip | Load data through clipboard on Windows or macOS |
make_arrange_cmd | Generate arrange commands from user input |
make_train | Generate a variable used to selected a training sample |
make_vec | Convert a string of numbers into a vector |
max_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
me | Margin of error |
mean_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
median_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
meprop | Margin of error for proportion |
min_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
modal | Calculate the mode (modal value) and return a label |
month | Add ordered argument to lubridate::month |
mutate_ext | Add transformed variables to a data frame with the option to include a custom variable name extension |
normalize | Normalize a variable x by a variable y |
n_missing | Number of missing values |
n_obs | Number of observations |
p01 | Calculate percentiles |
p025 | Calculate percentiles |
p05 | Calculate percentiles |
p10 | Calculate percentiles |
p25 | Calculate percentiles |
p75 | Calculate percentiles |
p90 | Calculate percentiles |
p95 | Calculate percentiles |
p975 | Calculate percentiles |
p99 | Calculate percentiles |
parse_path | Parse file path into useful components |
pcv | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pfun | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pivotr | Create a pivot table |
plot.pivotr | Plot method for the pivotr function |
pmean | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pmedian | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp01 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp025 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp05 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp10 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp25 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp75 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp95 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp975 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
pp99 | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
prop | Calculate proportion |
psd | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
psum | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
publishers | Comic publishers |
pvar | Summarize a set of numeric vectors per row |
qscatter | Create a qscatter plot similar to Stata |
qterms | Create a vector of quadratic and cubed terms for use in linear and logistic regression |
radiant.data | radiant.data |
radiant.data-deprecated | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
radiant.data_url | Start radiant.data app but do not open a browser |
radiant.data_viewer | Launch the radiant.data app in the Rstudio viewer |
radiant.data_window | Launch the radiant.data app in an Rstudio window |
read_files | Generate code to read a file |
refactor | Remove/reorder levels |
register | Register a data.frame or list in Radiant |
render | Base method used to render htmlwidgets |
render.datatables | Method to render DT tables |
render.plotly | Method to render plotly plots |
rounddf | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
round_df | Round doubles in a data.frame to a specified number of decimal places |
save_clip | Save data to clipboard on Windows or macOS |
sdpop | Standard deviation for the population |
sdprop | Standard deviation for proportion |
sd_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
se | Standard error |
Search | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
search_data | Search for a pattern in all columns of a data.frame |
seprop | Standard error for proportion |
set_attr | Alias used to add an attribute |
show_duplicated | Show all rows with duplicated values (not just the first or last) |
sig_stars | Add stars based on p.values |
slice_data | Slice data with user-specified expression |
square | Calculate square of a variable |
sshh | Hide warnings and messages and return invisible |
sshhr | Hide warnings and messages and return result |
standardize | Standardize |
store | Method to store variables in a dataset in Radiant |
store.explore | Deprecated: Store method for the explore function |
store.pivotr | Deprecated: Store method for the pivotr function |
subplot | Work around to avoid (harmless) messages from subplot |
summary.explore | Summary method for the explore function |
summary.pivotr | Summary method for pivotr |
sum_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
superheroes | Super heroes |
table2data | Create data.frame from a table |
titanic | Survival data for the Titanic |
toFct | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
to_fct | Convert characters to factors |
varpop | Variance for the population |
varprop | Variance for proportion |
var_rm | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
viewdata | Deprecated function(s) in the radiant.data package |
view_data | View data in a shiny-app |
visualize | Visualize data using ggplot2 <https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/> |
wday | Add ordered argument to lubridate::wday |
weighted.sd | Weighted standard deviation |
which.pmax | Index of the maximum per row |
which.pmin | Index of the minimum per row |
write_parquet | Workaround to store description file together with a parquet data file |
xtile | Split a numeric variable into a number of bins and return a vector of bin numbers |