getMeasurementData {rYoutheria}R Documentation

Get a table of trait measurements from YouTheria


Retrieves a data.frame of trait measurements with facilities to select by location, species name and/or measurement type.


getMeasurementData(measurementType = NA, MSW93Binomial = NA,
  MSW05Binomial = NA, country = NULL, StudyUnitId = NULL,
  locationData = TRUE, locationOnly = FALSE, cast = TRUE,
  silent = FALSE)



Measurement types to collect data for. If NULL (default), all measurement types are returned. Can also be 'numeric' or 'character' (or a list of either type) and will filter by MeasurementTypeID and the measurement respectivly. MeasurementTypeIDs and names can be found using getMeasurementTypes().


Character giving the latin name of a species (or list of species) for which measurements are required. Naming should follow Mammal Species of the World 1993.


Character giving the latin name of a species (or list of species) for which measurements are required. Naming should follow Mammal Species of the World 2005.


Character specifying the country from which you wish to collect data. If NULL all data is retrieved. If specified then locationOnly is set to TRUE


Numeric specifying the StudyUnitId from which you wish to collect data. If NULL all data is retrieved


Logial dictating whether location information should be added to the output. Defualt is FALSE but is set to TRUE if either StudyUnitId or country are specified.


If TRUE data is only be returned if it has location information.


If TRUE (default) then the data is cast so that each observation is one row in the output. If false then each observation has one row for each data element recorded (i.e. range, mean, units, etc)


If TRUE progress reporting is silenced


A data.frame with each row giving a trait measurement


## Not run: 
# Select measurement type by id
M14 <- getMeasurementData(14)
M22_7_2 <- getMeasurementData(c(22,7,2))

# Select measurement type by name
WM <- getMeasurementData('Wing Morphology')
WM_TN <- getMeasurementData(c('Wing Morphology','Teat Number'))

# Select by measurement type and species name
PpPr_bodymass <- getMeasurementData(measurementType = 1,
                                    MSW93Binomial = c('Pongo pygmaeus','Peroryctes raffrayana'))
#Select by measurement type, species name and location
Ob_Activity_Tanz <- getMeasurementData(measurementType = 'Activity Cycle',
                                       MSW05Binomial = 'Oryx beisa',
                                       country = 'Tanzania')

## End(Not run)

[Package rYoutheria version 1.0.3 Index]