Generating Summaries, Reports and Plots from the World Checklist of Vascular Plants

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Documentation for package ‘rWCVP’ version 1.2.4

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edit_match Fuzzy (approximate) matching to the WCVP.
get_area_name Get area description from vector of area codes
get_wgsrpd3_codes Extract WGSRPD Level 3 (area) codes.
phonetic_match Fuzzy (approximate) matching to the WCVP.
powo_map Plot a POWO style map for given range and range centroids.
powo_pal POWO colour palette for range maps
redlist_example Example dataset for name matching
scale_color_powo POWO colour palette for range maps
scale_colour_powo POWO colour palette for range maps
scale_fill_powo POWO colour palette for range maps
taxonomic_mapping Data for mapping plant family to order or higher classification
wcvp_checklist Generate a species checklist from WCVP
wcvp_distribution Generate spatial distribution objects for species, genera or families
wcvp_distribution_map Plot distribution maps for species, genera or families
wcvp_match_exact Exact matching to WCVP.
wcvp_match_fuzzy Fuzzy (approximate) matching to the WCVP.
wcvp_match_names Match names to the WCVP.
wcvp_occ_mat Generate occurrence matrix for taxa and areas
wcvp_reformat Reformat local versions of WCVP
wcvp_summary Generate a summary table from the WCVP
wcvp_summary_gt Render a summary table from wcvp_summary
wgsrpd3 Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions (WGSRPD)
wgsrpd_mapping Data for mapping WGSRPD geography to other levels