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Documentation for package ‘rTorch’ version 0.4.2

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!.torch.Tensor Logical NOT of a tensor
!=.torch.Tensor Compare two tensors if not equal
%%.torch.Tensor Remainder
%**% Matrix/Tensor multiplication of two tensors
%.*% #' @export "round.torch.Tensor" <- function(input) # round: Returns a new tensor with each of the elements of input rounded to the closest integer. torch$round(input) Dot product of two tensors
&.torch.Tensor Logical AND of two tensors
*.torch.Tensor Tensor multiplication
+.torch.Tensor Add two tensors
-.torch.Tensor Subtract two tensors
/.torch.Tensor Divide two tensors
<.torch.Tensor Is a tensor less than another tensor
<=.torch.Tensor Is a tensor less or equal than another tensor
==.torch.Tensor Compares two tensors if equal
>.torch.Tensor A tensor greater than another tensor
>=.torch.Tensor Is a tensor greater or equal than another tensor
all.torch.Tensor all
all_dims All dims
any.torch.Tensor any
as_boolean Convert tensor to boolean type
dataset_mnist_digits MNIST database of handwritten digits
dim.torch.Tensor Dimensions of a tensor
exp.torch.Tensor One tensor operation
install_pytorch Install PyTorch and its dependencies
is_tensor Is the object a tensor
length.torch.Tensor Length of a tensor.
log.torch.Tensor Logarithm of a tensor given the tensor and the base
log10.torch.Tensor Logarithm of a tensor in base 10
log2.torch.Tensor Logarithm of a tensor in base 2
logical_and Logical AND of two tensors
logical_not Logical NOT of a tensor
logical_or Logical OR of two tensors
make_copy Make copy of tensor, numpy array or R array
not_equal_to Compare two tensors if not equal
np Main PyTorch module
one_tensor_op One tensor operation
rTorch PyTorch for R
shape Tensor shape
tensor_ops Two tensor operations
torch Main PyTorch module
torchvision Main PyTorch module
torch_extract_opts Tensor extract options
torch_size Size of a torch tensor object
[.torch.Tensor Subset tensors with '['
^.torch.Tensor Two tensor operations
|.torch.Tensor Logical OR of two tensors