set_RMF_indWeight {rSHAPE}R Documentation

In a RMF fitness landscape model, there is a weighting value applied to the independent fitness contribution term. This function calculates that value for the run


In a RMF fitness landscape model, there is a weighting value applied to the independent fitness contribution term. This function calculates that value for the run


set_RMF_indWeight(func_simModel = getOption("shape_simModel"),
  func_numDraws = 1e+08, func_distType = getOption("shape_constDist"),
  func_distParms = getOption("shape_const_distParameters"),
  func_const_RMF_theta = getOption("shape_const_RMF_theta"))



This is the model of fitness landscape being considered


This is the number of draws taken from the independent term's distribution so that we can identify the amount of variance in that distribution. It should be a large integer – eg 5e7


This is the distribution string reference for this run


These are the parameters for this runs distribution function


This is the theta value which is multiplied to the variance in the distribution. The value returned will be a product of this numeric and the variance calulated. From Neidhart 2014 theta is measured as: theta = c / sqrt var random_component and so if we want to calculate "c" we return the product of theta and sqrt of variance in the distribution


A single numeric value, which may be NA if a non Rough Mount Fuji model is being simulated


There is no example as this cannot work outisde of a runSHAPE call, it requires data produced by the simulation experiment.

[Package rSHAPE version 0.3.2 Index]