reportPopulations {rSHAPE} | R Documentation |
This is a convenience function to ensure that our population demographics are stored in a data frame and exists because R's standard functions can collapse single row frames to named vectors. It requires that all passed vectors be of the same length
This is a convenience function to ensure that our population demographics are stored in a data frame and exists because R's standard functions can collapse single row frames to named vectors. It requires that all passed vectors be of the same length
reportPopulations(func_numMuts, func_genotypeID, func_popSizes,
func_fitnesses, func_births, func_deaths, func_mutants, func_progenitor,
func_reportMat_colnames = getOption("shape_reportMat_colnames"))
func_numMuts |
This is a vector of the number of mutations held within each tracked genotype. |
func_genotypeID |
This is a vector of the unique genotype ID for each tracked population in the community. |
func_popSizes |
This is a vector of the number of individuals for each population of genotypes in the community. |
func_fitnesses |
This is a vector of the fitness for each genotpe being tracked. |
func_births |
This is a vector of the number of births produced by each population in this time step. |
func_deaths |
This is a vector of the number of deaths in each population in this time step. |
func_mutants |
This is a vector of the number of mutants produced by each population in this time step. |
func_progenitor |
This is a vector of character strings expressing any progenitor genotypes which generated a mutant that fed into each genotype's population in this time step. |
func_reportMat_colnames |
DO NOT MODIFY - This is the vector of character strings to be assigned as the column names. |
A data frame with columns named as per func_reportMat_colnames.
# This returns a data.frame with a standard format