calc_relativeFitness {rSHAPE}R Documentation

This is a function to calculate the relative fitness for a vector of fitnesses. As a frame of reference it can use either an ancestral fitness value or the mean fitness of the passed vector. If the frame of reference is a value of zero - OR - the func_absDistance is set to TRUE then instead the vector is centered around a value of 1 where negative values will be set to zero.


This is a function to calculate the relative fitness for a vector of fitnesses. As a frame of reference it can use either an ancestral fitness value or the mean fitness of the passed vector. If the frame of reference is a value of zero - OR - the func_absDistance is set to TRUE then instead the vector is centered around a value of 1 where negative values will be set to zero.


calc_relativeFitness(func_fitVector, func_ancestFit = NULL,
  func_weights = NULL, func_absDistance = (getOption("shape_simModel")
  == "RMF"))



a numeric vector of values to be interpreted as fitnesses


An optional single numeric value to be used as a frame of reference for calculating relative fitness.


An optional vector of weights to be used for calculating relative fitness as an absolute distance from the mean of the func_fitVector vector.


A logical toggle to override if relative fitnesses are to be calculated as the absolute distance from 1. Will be overrode if either the mean of func_fitVector or func_ancestFit are zero.


A vector of relative fitness values of length equal to the input vector.


# This calculates relative fitness values either based on the mean of the community or
# based on an ancestral fitness value.
calc_relativeFitness(c(0.9,1,1.1),func_ancestFit = 0)
calc_relativeFitness(c(0.9,1,1.1),func_ancestFit = 1)

[Package rSHAPE version 0.3.2 Index]