adjustBirths {rSHAPE}R Documentation

This function ensures that a vector of values will sum to a given number. It's implemented in certain growth forms (curently: constant and logistic)


This function ensures that a vector of values will sum to a given number. It's implemented in certain growth forms (curently: constant and logistic)


adjustBirths(func_adjVector, func_sumTotal,
  func_roundValues = getOption("shape_track_asWhole"))



Vector of values which must sum to the func_sumTotal.


A single integer value which is to be the target summed value.


Logical toggle to control in values must be rounded to integers.


A vector of values adjusted to sum to a single value. These may have been forced to be rounded or could still contain decimals.


# In the event we're enforcing a vector to sum to a particular value, this function will
# force that vector to the sum and adjust proportionally to elements.  You can force values
# to become integers.
adjustBirths(func_adjVector = c(9,70,20), func_sumTotal = 100, func_roundValues = FALSE)
# When rounding, this is stochastic
replicate(10,adjustBirths(func_adjVector = c(9,70,20),
                          func_sumTotal = 100,
                          func_roundValues = TRUE))
# Same idea, different input vectors
adjustBirths(func_adjVector = c(10,75,20), func_sumTotal = 100, func_roundValues = FALSE)
replicate(10,adjustBirths(func_adjVector = c(10,75,20),
                             func_sumTotal = 100,
                             func_roundValues = TRUE))

[Package rSHAPE version 0.3.2 Index]