Spatial Dispersion Index (SDI) Family of Metrics for Spatial/Geographic Networks

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Documentation for package ‘rSDI’ version 0.2.1

Help Pages

dist_calc Distance Calculation for Graph Nodes
euclidean Calculate Euclidean Distance Between Two Points
haversine Calculate Haversine Distance Between Two Points on Earth
plotSDI plotSDI generates a plot of the network and SDI metrics on a geographic map.
SDI Computes graph or vertex level Spatial Dispersion Index(ces).
SDIcomputer SDIcomputer() is a helper function to compute given SDI variant for the given graph object. Not intended for explicit use. Called automatically by the 'SDI()' function.
TurkiyeMigration.flows Türkiye migration network flows data
TurkiyeMigration.nodes Türkiye migration network provinces/nodes data
unweightedAllVerticesSDI Not for explicit use.
unweightedNetworkSDI Not for explicit use.
unweightedSingleVertexSDI Not for explicit use.
variantParser variantParser for SDI variant short-codes. This is a helper function and not intended for explicit use.
weightedAllVerticesSDI Not for explicit use.
weightedNetworkSDI Not for explicit use.
weightedSingleVertexSDI Not for explicit use.