MAD {rQCC}R Documentation

Median absolute deviation (MAD)


Calculates the unbiased median absolute deviation (MAD) estimator and the unbiased squared MAD under the normal distribution which are adjusted by the Fisher-consistency and finite-sample unbiasing factors.


mad.unbiased (x, center = median(x), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE)

mad2.unbiased(x, center = median(x), constant=1.4826, na.rm = FALSE)



a numeric vector of observations.


pptionally, the center: defaults to the median.


correction factor for the Fisher-consistency under the normal distribution


a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds.


The unbiased MAD (mad.unbiased) is defined as the mad{stats} divided by c5(n)c_5(n), where c5(n)c_5(n) is the finite-sample unbiasing factor. Note that c5(n)c_5(n) notation is used in Park et. al (2022), and c5(n)c_5(n) is calculated using the function c4.factor{rQCC} with estimator="mad" option. The default value (constant=1.4826) ensures the Fisher-consistency under the normal distribution. Note that the original MAD was proposed by Hampel (1974).

The unbiased squared MAD (mad2.unbiased) is defined as the squared mad{stats} divided by w5(n)w_5(n) where w5(n)w_5(n) is the finite-sample unbiasing factor. Note that w5(n)w_5(n) notation is used in Park et. al (2022), and w5(n)w_5(n) is calculated using the function w4.factor{rQCC} with estimator="mad2" option. The default value (constant=1.4826) ensures the Fisher-consistency under the normal distribution. Note that the square of the conventional MAD is Fisher-consistent for the variance (σ2\sigma^2) under the normal distribution, but it is not unbiased with a sample of finite size.


They return a numeric value.


Chanseok Park and Min Wang


Park, C., H. Kim, and M. Wang (2022). Investigation of finite-sample properties of robust location and scale estimators. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 51, 2619-2645.
doi: 10.1080/03610918.2019.1699114

Hampel, F. R. (1974). The influence curve and its role in robust estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 69, 383–393.

See Also

c4.factor{rQCC} for finite-sample unbiasing factor for the standard deviation under the normal distribution.

w4.factor{rQCC} for finite-sample unbiasing factor for the variance under the normal distribution.

shamos{rQCC} for robust Fisher-consistent estimator of the standard deviation under the normal distribution.

shamos.unbiased{rQCC} for robust finite-sample unbiased estimator of the standard deviation under the normal distribution.

mad{stats} for calculating the sample MAD.

finite.breakdown{rQCC} for calculating the finite-sample breakdown point.


x = c(0:10, 50)

# Fisher-consistent MAD, but not unbiased with a finite sample.

# Unbiased MAD.

# Fisher-consistent squared MAD, but not unbiased.

# Unbiased squared MAD.

[Package rQCC version 2.22.12 Index]