indiv.1m.ssc {rPowerSampleSize}R Documentation

Sample size computation with an individual testing procedure in the context of multiple continuous endpoints


This function computes the sample size with an individual testing procedure in the context of multiple continuous endpoints. This method, based on the Union-Intersection testing procedure, allows one to take into account the correlation between the different endpoints in the computation of the sample size.


indiv.1m.ssc(method, ES, cor, power = 0.8, alpha = 0.05, alternative =
"two.sided", tol = 1e-04, maxiter = 1000, tol.uniroot = 1e-04)



description of the covariance matrix estimation. Two choices are possible: "Unknown" (normality assumption and unknown covariance matrix) and "Asympt" (asymptotic context).


vector indicating the values of the effect size. The definition of the effect size is presented in the "Details" section.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix between the endpoints.


value which corresponds to the chosen power.


value which correponds to the chosen Type-I error rate bound.


character string specifying the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "greater" or "less".


the desired accuracy (convergence tolerance) for our algorithm.


maximum number of iterations.


desired accuracy (convergence tolerance) for the uniroot.integer function.


ES: The effect size definition parameter for the kthk^{th} endpoint is defined as μkTμkCσk\frac{\mu^{T}_{k}-\mu^{C}_{k}}{\sigma^{*}_{k}}, where σk\sigma^{*}_{k} refers to the standard deviation of the population from which the different treatment groups were taken and μkTμkC\mu^{T}_{k}-\mu^{C}_{k} is the true mean difference between the test and the control group for the kthk^{th} group. We consider that: σk=σk,T2+σk,C22\sigma^{*}_{k}=\frac{\sigma^{2}_{k,T}+\sigma^{2}_{k,C}}{2}.


Adjusted Type-I error rate

adjusted Type-I error rate.

Sample size

the required sample size.


P. Lafaye de Micheaux, B .Liquet and J .Riou


Lafaye de Micheaux P., Liquet B., Marque S., Riou J. (2014). Power and Sample Size Determination in Clinical Trials With Multiple Primary Continuous Correlated Endpoints, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 24, 378–397.

See Also

global.1m.ssc, global.1m.analysis, indiv.1m.analysis, bonferroni.1m.ssc


# Sample size computation for the individual method
indiv.1m.ssc(method = "Known", ES = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), cor = diag(1, 3))

# Table 2 in our 2014 paper:
Sigma2 <- matrix(c(5.58, 2, 1.24, 2, 4.29, 1.59, 1.24, 1.59, 4.09), ncol = 3)
sd2 <- sqrt(diag(Sigma2))
cor2 <- diag(1 / sd2) %*% Sigma2 %*% diag(1 / sd2)
mu2 <- c(0.35, 0.28, 0.46)
m <- 3
indiv.1m.ssc(method = "Known", ES = mu2 / sd2, cor = cor2)

[Package rPowerSampleSize version 1.0.2 Index]