analyzeFile {rPACI}R Documentation

Analysis of a single corneal topography file


Analyze a corneal topography file. This function combines together the three operations performed by the functions readFile, computePlacidoIndices, and plotSingleCornea. The result is a data.frame in the same format given by computePlacidoIndices.

More details about supported file formats can be found in vignette("topographersDataFormat", package = "rPACI"), and about using rPACI in vignette("packageUsage", package = "rPACI").


analyzeFile(path, drawplot = TRUE)



A corneal topography file, as exported by a Placido disk corneal topographer.


An optional parameter indicating whether a plot of results should be displayed or not (by default, TRUE).


A data.frame containing the Placido irregularity indices as well as the diagnose, with a single row and columns:

Diagnose A text label indicating the diagnose, according to the value of GLPI
NBI The value of NBI index (in the range 0-100).
GLPI The value of GLPI index (in the range 0-100).
PI_1 The value of PI_1 index (usually in the range 0-150).
PI_2 The value of PI_2 index (usually in the range 0-150).
PI_3 The value of PI_3 index (usually in the range 0-150).
SL The value of SL index (usually in the range 0-150).
AR_1 The value of AR_1 index (usually in the range 0-150).
AR_2 The value of AR_2 index (usually in the range 0-150).
AR_3 The value of AR_3 index (usually in the range 0-150).
AR_4 The value of AR_4 index (usually in the range 0-150).
AR_5 The value of AR_5 index (usually in the range 0-150).


# Read the file, compute the indices and show results in one step with:
results = analyzeFile(system.file("extdata","N01.txt", package="rPACI"))

# The previous command is equivalent to:
dataset = readFile(system.file("extdata","N01.txt", package="rPACI"))
results = computePlacidoIndices(dataset)
# If drawplot=TRUE, then it also performs:
plotSingleCornea(dataset, results)

[Package rPACI version 0.2.2 Index]