get.pcrit {rMR}R Documentation

Calculate Critical Tension for Rate Processes


Determines the critical point of a rate process based on the broken stick model featured in Yeager and Ultsch (1989). The two regressions are selected based on the break point which minimizes the total residual sum of squares. The rate process that this package is designed for is metabolic rate (, and it is regressed on ambient dissolved oxygen concentration ( However, the same function can be used for other processes.

If metabolic rate has not already been calculated and the user wishes to calculate metabolic rates directly from oxygen concentration measurements, let NULL. Then indicate the name of the time variable AND the time interval (i.e. the width of the time window over which you will estimate instantaneous metabolic rates).


get.pcrit(data,, = NULL, Pcrit.below,
             time.interval, time.var = NULL,
             start.time, stop.time, time.units = "sec",
             Pcrit.type = "both", syst.vol = NULL,
             col.vec = c("black", "gray60", "red", "blue"),...)



Data to be used.

Variable name of oxygen concentration variable, formatted as character string. To be used for determination of critical point. If using pre-calculated instantaneous metabolic rates (MR) to conduct Pcrit, this should be specified by If using raw oxygen values with time stamps to compute instantaneous MR within the function, get.pcrit requires time.interval to be specified.

Metabolic rate variable name, formatted as character. Default = NULL. If this argument takes a value, Pcrit will be calculated by regressing on time.var and time.interval should, in this case, take no value. If is left asNULL, then instantaneous metabolic rates (MR) at specified time intervals (see time.interval) from and time.var.


DO concentration below which you are confident that Pcrit occurs. Accelerates process by reducing the number of iterations required to find Pcrit. Data points featuring DO conc > Pcrit.below are still used to calculate regressions for model.


If = NULL, specify interval in seconds over which to calculate instantaneous MR.


Column name for indexing (time) variable used to calculate instantaneous Metabolic Rate (MR) from oxygen concentration data (specified by Must be a character string.


Beginning of time interval over which to evaluate data for Pcrit. Required if = NULL. Must be character string in the default POSIXct format (matches format of time.var).


End of time interval over which to evaluate data for Pcrit. Required if = NULL. Must be character string in the default POSIXct format (matches format of time.var).


Units of time in MR calculation. Defaults to "sec", must be "sec", "min", or "hr". Required if = NULL.


Either "lm" to draw a vertical line at the Pcrit as determined by the intersection point of the best fit lines(Yeager and Ultsch 1989) or "midpoint" as determined by the midpoint between the two points on either side of the Pcrit (Yeager and Ultsch 1989). "both" will plot both as vertical lines on the plot. NULL will plot neither. Both values are returned in the output.


Enter the system volume in Liters. If syst.vol takes a value, then an additional column, MR.vol.adj will be added to $DATA. The values in this colum will reflect mg of oxygen consumed. Otherwise, the returned MR variable (and in data) on the y axis of the plot will represent units/time.


Arguments passed on to internal functions.


Specifies colors on plot in the following order: 1) scatterplot points representing instantaneous MR, 2) regression lines color, 3) vertical line representing Pcrit using the intersect method (Pcrit.type = "lm"), 4)vertical line representing Pcrit using the midpoint method (Pcrit.type = "midpoint").


This calculates the critical oxygen tension for a change in metabolic rate. It is a simple broken stick model which evaluates the data at dissolved oxygen values recorded within the specified time frame. The data of MR and DO are ordered by decreasing DO value. Then, the function iteratively calculates the total residual sum of squares (using tot.rss) of two linear models, one spanning from Pcrit.below to Pcrit.below - i, the other with a range from the minimum DO value to Pcrit.below - (i + 1). The broken stick model resulting in the lowest total residual sum of squares is selected.


A scatterplot of MR ~ DO is generated with the two regression lines (in gray). Also returns a list of 6. $Pcrit.lm is the Pcrit given by the intersection of the two best fit lines (vertical red dashed line). $ is the Pcrit using the midpoint method (vertical blue dotted vertical line). $P$Adj.r2.above gives the adjusted R2 value of the relationship between MR~DO above the critical point, and likewise, $Adj.r2.below gives the R2 below the critical point. The other two elements are lm class objects calculated from the regression slopes above and below the break point in the broken stick model (which is not necessarily the same point as where the regression lines intersect!).


Tyler L. Moulton


Yeager, D. P. and Ultsch, G. R. (1989). Physiological regulation and conformation: a BASIC program for the determination of critical points. Physiological Zoology, 888-907. doi: 10.1086/physzool.62.4.30157935.

See Also

tot.rss, strptime, as.POSIXct,


## set data ##

## create time variable in POSIXct format ##
fishMR$std.time <- as.POSIXct(fishMR$Date.time,
                    format = "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p")
Pcrit1 <-get.pcrit(data = fishMR, = "DO.mgL",
                    Pcrit.below = 2,
                    time.var = "std.time",
                    time.interval = 120,
                    start.time = "2015-07-03 06:15:00",
                    stop.time = "2015-07-03 08:05:00")
## MR units in mgO2 / sec
## Change time interval ##
Pcrit2 <-get.pcrit(data = fishMR, = "DO.mgL",
                    Pcrit.below = 2,
                    time.var = "std.time",
                    time.interval = 60,
                    start.time = "2015-07-03 06:15:00",
                    stop.time = "2015-07-03 08:05:00",
                    time.units = "min")
## MR units in mgO2 / min

Pcrit3 <-get.pcrit(data = fishMR, = "DO.mgL",
                    Pcrit.below = 2,
                    time.var = "std.time",
                    time.interval = 60,
                    start.time = "2015-07-03 06:15:00",
                    stop.time = "2015-07-03 08:05:00",
                    time.units = "hr",
                    ylab = "Met Rate (mg O2 L-1 hr-1)")
## MR units in mgO2 / hr

## syst vol specified at 0.75 L ##

Pcrit3a <-get.pcrit(data = fishMR, = "DO.mgL",
                    Pcrit.below = 2,
                    time.var = "std.time",
                    time.interval = 60,
                    start.time = "2015-07-03 06:15:00",
                    stop.time = "2015-07-03 08:05:00",
                    time.units = "hr",
                    syst.vol = 0.75,
                    ylab = "Met Rate (mg O2 / hr)")
## MR units in mgO2 / hr

## No vertical lines on plot

Pcrit4 <-get.pcrit(data = fishMR, = "DO.mgL",
                    Pcrit.below = 2,
                    time.var = "std.time",
                    time.interval = 60,
                    start.time = "2015-07-03 06:15:00",
                    stop.time = "2015-07-03 08:05:00",
                    time.units = "hr",
                    ylab = "Met Rate (mg O2 L-1 hr-1)",
                    Pcrit.type = "")

[Package rMR version 1.1.0 Index]