rLakeAnalyzer-package | Lake Physics Tools |
approx.bathy | Estimate hypsography curve |
buoyancy.freq | Calculates buoyancy frequency. |
center.buoyancy | Calculates the center of buoyancy. |
depth.filter | Data filter to remove soak, heave and upcast |
drop.datetime | Find and drop the datetime column from the datatable |
epi.temperature | Get volumetrically averaged epilimnion temp |
get.datetime | Search for and return the datetime column from a ts data.frame |
get.offsets | Gets depths from data frame containing profile info. |
hypo.temperature | Get volumetrically averaged hypolimnion temp |
internal.energy | Internal energy function (Joules) |
lake.number | Calculate Lake Number |
lake.number.plot | Plots time series of Lake Number |
latesummer | Late Summer Profile |
layer.density | Returns the average density of a layer between two depths. |
layer.temperature | Returns the average temperature of a layer between two depths. |
load.bathy | Import lake bathymetry data. |
load.ts | Load timeseries from properly formatted text file. |
meta.depths | Calculate the Top and Bottom Depths of the Metalimnion |
rLakeAnalyzer | Lake Physics Tools |
schmidt.plot | Creates a time series plot of Schmidt's stability |
schmidt.stability | Calculate the Schmidt stability |
thermo.depth | Calculate depth of the thermocline from a temperature profile. |
ts.buoyancy.freq | Calculate the buoyancy (Brunt-Vaisala) frequency for a temperature profile. |
ts.center.buoyancy | Calculates the center of buoyancy for multiple temperature profiles. |
ts.internal.energy | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.lake.number | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.layer.temperature | Calculate volume-weighted average water temperature across a range of depths for a timeseries. |
ts.meta.depths | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.schmidt.stability | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.thermo.depth | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.uStar | Calculate physical indices for a timeseries. |
ts.wedderburn.number | Calculate Wedderburn number for a timeseries. |
uStar | Calculates the water friction velocity, uStar |
water.density | Estimate Water Density |
wedderburn.number | Calculates Wedderburn Number for a lake. |
whole.lake.temperature | Get volumetrically averaged whole lake temperature |
wtr.heat.map | Plots a heat-map of water temperature. |
wtr.heatmap.layers | Plots water temperature heatmap with major limnetic layers indicated |
wtr.layer | Exploration of lake water column layers |
wtr.lineseries | Creates a line based plot of temperature profile time series |
wtr.plot.temp | Creates a time series plot of the thermocline and top and bottom of the metalimnion |