%>% | re-export magrittr pipe operator |
allowed_entities | Allowed entities: Kolada metadata classes |
compose_data_query | Compose a query to fetch metadata from the Kolada API. Its use is mainly |
compose_metadata_query | Compose a query to fetch metadata from the Kolada API. |
generate_kpi_metadata | Generate KPI metadata from a Kolada KPI object |
get_kpi | Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API |
get_kpi_groups | Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API |
get_metadata | Download metadata from the Kolada API |
get_municipality | Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API |
get_municipality_groups | Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API |
get_ou | Download metadata for a specific entity from the Kolada API |
get_values | Get data from Kolada |
kolada_available | Check if the Kolada API is available |
kpi_bind_keywords | Add keyword columns to a Kolada KPI table |
kpi_describe | Describe the KPIs in a Kolada KPI metadata table |
kpi_extract_ids | Extract a vector of KPI ID strings from a Kolada KPI metadata table |
kpi_grp_describe | Describe the KPIs in a Kolada KPI Group metadata table |
kpi_grp_extract_ids | Extract KPI ID strings from a Kolada KPI Group metadata table |
kpi_grp_search | Search a Kolada KPI Group metadata table for group names |
kpi_grp_unnest | Create a KPI table from a Kolada KPI Group metadata table |
kpi_minimize | Simplify a KPI table |
kpi_search | Search for Kolada KPIs using a Kolada KPI table |
municipality_extract_ids | Extract a vector of municipality ID strings from a Kolada municipality table |
municipality_grp_describe | Describe the municipalitie in a Kolada Municipality Group metadata table |
municipality_grp_extract_ids | Extract municipality ID strings from a Kolada municipality group table |
municipality_grp_search | Search a Kolada Municipality Group metadata table for group names |
municipality_grp_unnest | Create a municipality table from a Kolada Municipality Group metadata table |
municipality_id_to_name | Convert a vector of municipality ids to municipality names |
municipality_name_to_id | Convert a vector of municipality names to municipality ids |
municipality_search | Search a Kolada municipality metadata table |
ou_search | Search a Kolada Organizational Unit metadata table |
values_legend | Create KPI long-form descriptions to add to a plot |
values_minimize | Simplify a Kolada values table |