Analysis of Continuous Glucose Monitor Data

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Documentation for package ‘rGV’ version 0.0.4

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adrr Calculate Average Daily Risk Range (ADRR)
bgi Calculate Low / High Blood Glucose Index (LBGI, HBGI)
cgm_auc Calculate area under the curve (AUC)
cgm_plot Plot glucose values over time
conga Calculate continuous overall net glycemic action (CONGA)
cv Calculate coefficient of variation (CV)
diff_plot Plots glucose changes over time
dist_travelled Calculate distance travelled
gmi Calculate Glucose Management Indicator (GMI)
grade Calculate Glycemic Risk Assessment Diabetes Equation (GRADE)
GV Calculate all glycemic variability metrics
gvp Calculate Glycemic Variability Percentage (GVP)
j_index Calculate J-index
li Calculate the lability index (LI)
mag Calculate Mean Absolute Glucose (MAG)
mage Calculate Mean Amplitude of Glycemic Excursions (MAGE)
modd Calculate Mean of Daily Differences (MODD)
m_value Calculate M-value
num_events Find number of episodes below a given glucose value for a given amount of time
read_cgm Read in continuous glucose monitor data
st_dev Calculate standard deviation (SD)
symm_plot Plot the symmetrized glucose values
time_on Calculate amount of time that the CGM was active
tir Calculate time in range (TIR)