twFSA {rFSA} | R Documentation |
A function for termwise feasiblity
fitfunc = lm,
fixvar = NULL,
quad = FALSE,
cores = 1,
criterion = AIC,
minmax = "min",
checkfeas = NULL,
var4int = NULL,
min.nonmissing = 1,
formula |
an object of class "formula" (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. |
data |
a data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. |
fitfunc |
the method that should be used to fit the model. For Example: lm, glm, or other methods that rely on formula, data, and other inputs. |
fixvar |
variable(s) to fix in the model. Usually a covariate that should always be included (Example: Age, Sex). Will still consider it with interactions. Default is NULL. |
quad |
Include quadratic terms or not. Logical. |
cores |
number of cores to use while running. Note: Windows can only use 1 core. See mclapply for details. If function detects a Windows user it will automatically set cores=1. |
criterion |
which criterion function to either maximize or minimize. For linear models one can use: r.squared, adj.r.squared, cv5.lmFSA (5 Fold Cross Validation error), cv10.lmFSA (10 Fold Cross Validation error), apress (Allen's Press Statistic), int.p.val (Interaction P-value), AIC, BIC. |
minmax |
whether to minimize or maximize the criterion function |
checkfeas |
vector of variables that could be a feasible solution. These variables will be used as the last random start. |
var4int |
specification of which variables to check for marginal feasiblilty. Default is NULL |
min.nonmissing |
the combination of predictors will be ignored unless this many of observations are not missing |
... |
other arguments passed to fitfunc. |
matrix of results