rb_dplr {rBahadur}R Documentation

Binary random variates with Diagonal Plus Low Rank (dplr) correlations


Generate second Bahadur order multivariate Bernoulli random variates with Diagonal Plus Low Rank (dplr) correlation structures.


rb_dplr(n, mu, U)



number of observations


vector of means


outer product component matrix


This generates multivariate Bernoulli (MVB) random vectors with mean vector 'mu' and correlation matrix C=D+UUTC = D + U U^T where DD is a diagonal matrix with values dictated by 'U'. 'mu' must take values in the open unit interval and 'U' must induce a valid second Bahadur order probability distribution. That is, there must exist an MVB probability distribution with first moments 'mu' and standardized central second moments CC such that all higher order central moments are zero.


An nn-by-mm matrix of binary random variates, where mm is the length of 'mu'.


h2_0 = .5; m = 200; n = 1000; r =.5; min_MAF=.1

## draw standardized diploid allele substitution effects
beta <- scale(rnorm(m))*sqrt(h2_0 / m)

## draw allele frequencies
AF <- runif(m, min_MAF, 1 - min_MAF)

## compute unstandardized effects
beta_unscaled <- beta/sqrt(2*AF*(1-AF))

## generate corresponding haploid quantities
beta_hap <- rep(beta, each=2)
AF_hap <- rep(AF, each=2)

## compute equilibrium outer product covariance component
U <- am_covariance_structure(beta, AF, r)

## draw multivariate Bernoulli haplotypes
H <- rb_dplr(n, AF_hap, U)

## convert to diploid genotypes
G <- H[,seq(1,ncol(H),2)] + H[,seq(2,ncol(H),2)]

## empirical allele frequencies vs target frequencies
emp_afs <- colMeans(G)/2
plot(AF, emp_afs)

## construct phenotype
heritable_y <-  G%*%beta_unscaled
nonheritable_y <-  rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(1-h2_0))
y <- heritable_y + nonheritable_y

## empirical h2 vs expected equilibrium h2
(emp_h2 <- var(heritable_y)/var(y))
h2_eq(r, h2_0)

[Package rBahadur version 1.0.0 Index]