getHeight {rBDAT}R Documentation

Get height of given diameter inside tree taper


this function calculates the height of a given diameter inside or outside bark for a given tree


getHeight(tree, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
getHeight(tree, Dx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'list'
getHeight(tree, Dx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'datBDAT'
getHeight(tree, Dx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)



either a data.frame or a list containing the variables needed to decribe a tree, i.e. spp, D1, H, and optionally H1, D2, H2. See buildTree for details and parameter mapping for mapping of variable names


passing arguments to methods.


diameter of tree for which height is required; defaults to NULL


logical, if TRUE given diameter Dx is considered over bark, if FALSE diameter is considered to be under bark. Coerced to logical by as.logical(bark[1]).


mapping of variable names in case a data.frame is given into parameter tree between colnames(tree) and required parameter names.


see buildTree for how to specify a tree object


a matrix with one row for each tree and one column for each Dx given, holding the height of provided diameter Dx inside stem taper. The matrix is simplified by [,,drop=TRUE], especially if Dx=NULL.

Methods (by class)


tree <- data.frame(spp = c(1, 1), D1 = c(30, 25), H = c(25, 20), Dx = c(7, 7))
getHeight(tree, bark = TRUE)
getHeight(tree, bark = FALSE)

tree <- data.frame(BDATCode = c(1, 1), dbh = c(30, 25), h = c(25, 20), Dx = c(7, 7))
getHeight(tree, bark = TRUE, mapping = c("BDATCode" = "spp", "dbh" = "D1", "h" = "H"))

tree <- data.frame(BDATCode = c(1, 1), dbh = c(30, 25), h = c(25, 20))
Dx <- c(7, 5)
getHeight(tree, Dx = Dx, bark = TRUE, mapping = c("BDATCode" = "spp", "dbh" = "D1", "h" = "H"))

tree <- data.frame(spp = c(1, 1), D1 = c(30, 25), H = c(25, 20), Dx = c(7, 7))
getHeight(tree, Dx = c(1:5), bark = TRUE)

[Package rBDAT version 1.0.0 Index]