getDiameter {rBDAT}R Documentation

Get diameter in given height inside tree taper


this function calculates the diameter inside or outside bark of in given height for a given tree


getDiameter(tree, ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
getDiameter(tree, Hx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'list'
getDiameter(tree, Hx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)

## S3 method for class 'datBDAT'
getDiameter(tree, Hx = NULL, bark = TRUE, mapping = NULL, ...)



either a data.frame, a list or an object of class datBDAT containing the variables needed to decribe a tree, i.e. spp, D1, H, and optionally H1, D2, H2. See buildTree for details and parameter mapping for mapping of variable names


passing arguments to methods.


height in tree for which diameter over or under bark is required; defaults to NULL


logical, if TRUE returned diameter Dx is over bark, if FALSE returned diameter is under bark. Coerced to logical by as.logical(bark[1]).


mapping of variable names in case a data.frame is given into parameter tree between colnames(tree) and required parameter names. See details.


if tree does not includes variable Hx, a full outer join is generated between both


a matrix with one row for each tree and one column for each Hx given, holding the diameter over or under bark of provided height Hx inside stem taper. The matrix is simplified by [,,drop=TRUE], especially if Hx=NULL.

Methods (by class)


tree <- data.frame(spp = c(1, 1), D1 = c(30, 30), H = c(25, 25), Hx = c(1.3, 22.248))
getDiameter(tree, bark = TRUE)
getDiameter(tree, bark = FALSE)

tree <- data.frame(BDATCode = c(1, 1), dbh = c(30, 30), h = c(25, 25), Hx = c(1.3, 22.248))
getDiameter(tree, bark = TRUE, mapping = c("BDATCode" = "spp", "dbh" = "D1", "h" = "H"))

tree <- data.frame(BDATCode = c(1, 1), dbh = c(30, 30), h = c(25, 25))
Hx <- c(1.3, 22.248)
getDiameter(tree, Hx = Hx, bark = TRUE, mapping = c("BDATCode" = "spp", "dbh" = "D1", "h" = "H"))

[Package rBDAT version 1.0.0 Index]