Interface to the JavaScript Library 'amCharts 4'

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Documentation for package ‘rAmCharts4’ version 1.6.0

Help Pages

amAxisBreaks Axis breaks
amAxisLabels Axis labels
amAxisLabelsCircular Axis labels
amBarChart HTML widget displaying a bar chart
amBoxplotChart HTML widget displaying a boxplot chart
amButton Button
amChart4Output Shiny bindings for using 'rAmCharts4' in Shiny
amCircle Bullets
amColorAdapterFromCuts Adapters
amColorAdapterFromVector Adapters
amColumn Columns style
amDateAxisFormatter Date axis formatter
amDumbbellChart HTML widget displaying a Dumbbell chart
amFont Font
amGaugeChart HTML widget displaying a gauge chart
amHand Gauge hand
amHorizontalBarChart HTML widget displaying a horizontal bar chart
amHorizontalDumbbellChart HTML widget displaying a horizontal Dumbbell chart
amImage Image
amLegend Legend
amLine Line style
amLineChart HTML widget displaying a line chart
amPercentageBarChart HTML widget displaying a 100% stacked bar chart
amPieChart HTML widget displaying a pie chart
amRadialBarChart HTML widget displaying a radial bar chart
amRangeAreaChart HTML widget displaying a range area chart
amRectangle Bullets
amScatterChart HTML widget displaying a scatter chart
amSegment Segment style
amStackedBarChart HTML widget displaying a stacked bar chart
amText Text
amTooltip Tooltip
amTriangle Bullets
amZoomButtons Zoom buttons
JS Objects imported from other packages
rAmCharts4-adapters Adapters
rAmCharts4-imports Objects imported from other packages
rAmCharts4-shapes Bullets
rAmCharts4-shiny Shiny bindings for using 'rAmCharts4' in Shiny
renderAmChart4 Shiny bindings for using 'rAmCharts4' in Shiny
saveWidget Objects imported from other packages
shinyAppTinyIcons Icons
tinyIcon Icons
tinyIcons Icons
updateAmBarChart Update the data of a bar chart
updateAmGaugeChart Update the score of a gauge chart
updateAmPercentageBarChart Update the data of a 100% stacked bar chart
updateAmPieChart Update the data of a pie chart